NM CliQ Magazine April 2015 | Page 4


This is the first issue, of what I hope will be a wonderful and entertaining journey for you, as well as for me. Welcome to the



A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Lao-tzu, The Way of Lao-tzu

Chinese philosopher (604 BC - 531 BC)

This new magazine is dedicated to all the hard-working photographers and models out there who regularly stretch the limits of their imaginations to come up with unique ideas and approaches to better express their art, and do so in a completely collaborative way.

It will focus on and celebrate the "COLLABORATIVE APPROACH" to this model / photographer pairing, showing work that is created in this "TRADE FOR" photographic environment.

The photographers we present have invested their time, talent, experience and equipment to create the images, the models add their experience, beauty, training - many times supplying their own outfits, as well as doing their own hair and makeup. If the pair is really fortunate, they can convince an MUA, hair-stylist, fashion designer, or boutique to aid in the collaboration. It has been my experience, when that many professionals come together to create an image, the results can be spectacular!!

The idea for the shoot can come from the photographer, the model, both, or neither -

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Dave Stabley, Editor

sometimes it is just getting together to shoot to see if they can create some "magic".

NM CliQ Magazine is not only going to discuss topics we feel will be of interest to collaborating parties...we are also going to try to help those parties connect with one another through the use of full-page ads.

In this, and all future editions of this magazine, we will have full-page ads for photographers, models, MUAs, hair stylists, designers, and even retailers who are willing to aid in the creation of "TRADE FOR" photography.

We will try to present insightful articles written specifically for NM CliQ Magazine

discussing things of interest in the areas of

photography, modeling, makeup, hair, and

anything else we can get a willing expert-author to write about.

If you are one of us, we want you to be involved in what we do. Photographers, models, MUAs...CREATE AN AD AND WE WILL PUBLISH IT FOR FREE!!

Submit your images, articles, ideas, thoughts, concerns and we will attempt to incorporate them into future editions. Let us know what you think of the magazine. Feel free to contact me directly ([email protected] or [email protected]) or message me on Facebook.