NIV, Faithlife Study Bible | Page 226

1590 | MattheW 27:20
But the chief priests and the el ders per suad ed the crowd to ask for Bar ab bas and to have Jesus ex e cut ed .
“ Which of the two do you want me to re lease to you ?” asked the gov er nor . “ Bar ab bas ,” they an swered .
“ What shall I do , then , with Jesus who is called the Mes si ah ?” Pi late asked . They all an swered , “ Cru ci fy him !”
“ Why ? What crime has he com mit ted ?” asked
Pi late . But they shout ed all the loud er , “ Cru ci fy him !”
When Pi late saw that he was get ting no where , but that in stead an up roar was start ing , he took wa ter and washed his hands in front of the crowd . “ I am in no cent of this man ’ s blood ,” he said . “ It is your re spon si bil i ty !”
All the peo ple an swered , “ His blood is on us and on our chil dren !”
Then he re leased Bar ab bas to them . But he had Jesus flogged , and hand ed him over to be cru ci fied .
The Soldiers Mock Jesus
27:27-31pp — ​ Mk 15:16-20
Then the gov er nor ’ s sol diers took Jesus into the Prae to ri um and gath ered the whole com pany of sol diers around him . 28 They stripped him and put a scar let robe on him , 29 and then twist ed to geth er a crown of thorns and set it on his head . They put a staff in his right hand . Then they knelt in front of him and mocked him . “ Hail , king of the Jews !” they said . 30 They spit on him , and took the staff and struck him on the head again and again .
Af ter they had mocked him , they took off the robe and put his own clothes on him . Then they led him away to cru ci fy him .
The Crucifixion of Jesus
27:33-44pp — ​Mk 15:22-32 ; Lk 23:33-43 ; Jn 19:17-24
As they were go ing out , they met a man from Cy re ne , named Si mon , and they forced him to car ry the cross . 33 They came to a place called Golgo tha ( which means “ the place of the skull ”).
There they of fered Jesus wine to drink , mixed with gall ; but af ter tast ing it , he re fused to drink it . 35 When they had cru ci fied him , they di vid ed up his clothes by cast ing lots . 36 And sit ting down , they kept watch over him there . 37 Above his head they placed the writ ten charge against him : this is jesus , the king of the jews .
Two reb els were cru ci fied with him , one on his right and one on his left . 39 Those who passed by hurled in sults at him , shak ing their heads 40 and say ing , “ You who are go ing to de stroy the tem ple and build it in three days , save your self ! Come down from the cross , if you are the Son of God !”
In the same way the chief priests , the teach ers of the law and the el ders mocked him . 42 “ He saved oth ers ,” they said , “ but he can ’ t save him self ! He ’ s the king of Is ra el ! Let him come down now from the cross , and we will be lieve in him . 43 He trusts in God . Let God res cue him now if he wants him , for he said , ‘ I am the Son of God .’ ” 44 In the same way the reb els who were cru ci fied with him also heaped in sults on him .
27:20 persuaded the crowd Probably residents of Jerusalem , not the Galilean peasants who had hailed Jesus as Messiah ( compare Mt 21:8 – 11 ). 27:24 that instead an uproar was starting See 26:5 and note . took water and washed his hands An act signifying absolution , although technically as governing authority , Pilate is still partly responsible . 27:25 on us and on our children The Jewish leaders who oppose Jesus are partly responsible for his death . Despite the crowd ’ s rash statement in v . 25 , this does not amount to culpability for an entire nation or people group . In addition , Isa 52:10 , as well as Jesus ’ own words ( Mt 16:21 ), indicate that Jesus ’ death was ultimately God ’ s decision , for the salvation of humanity . Although the Jewish leaders and Pilate issue the order to execute Jesus , which is portrayed as an evil act , Jesus ’ death is ultimately God the Father ’ s decision ( compare Mk 14:36 ). 27:26 flogged Refers to being beaten with whips , which often contained bits of bone , rock and metal to flay the skin .
27:27 – 44 After beating and mocking Jesus , Roman soldiers take him outside the city and crucify him . While he is hanging on the cross , the Jewish leaders and others ridicule him .
27:28 scarlet The color of royalty . 27:29 crown A mock crown for one perceived to be a mock king ; also likely a means of torture .
27:32 a man from Cyrene , named Simon Cyrene was on the Mediterranean Sea in North Africa . they forced him to carry the cross See note on Mk 15:21 . 27:33 Golgotha An Aramaic word meaning “ skull .” place of the skull The Latin word for “ skull ” is calvaria , from which the English word Calvary derives . 27:34 wine to drink , mixed with gall Meant to mitigate the pain ( see Ps 69:21 ). 27:35 crucified him This brutal method of capital punishment was not used on Roman citizens . The guilty party was fastened to intersecting beams of wood by nails ( sometimes rope was used ) driven through the hands ( or wrists ) and feet ( usually one foot on top of the other , held in place by one nail ). The person was left hanging — ​often naked — ​until dead . The prevalence of crucifixion in Jesus ’ day makes his command to take up a cross and follow him all the more vivid ( see Mt 10:38 ; 16:24 ). they divided up his clothes by casting lots A parallel to Ps 22:18 . Compare Isa 53:3 and note . 27:37 this is jesus , the king of the jews Ironically , this sign proclaims Jesus ’ true identity . 27:43 Let God rescue him Compare Ps 22:8 . I am the Son of God The religious leaders assume that God would not let his Son be executed . Compare Isa 53:12 and note .
27:45 – 56 Jesus dies for the sin of the world . The significance of his death is conveyed through supernatural occurrences .