NIV, Faithlife Study Bible | Page 223

Jesus an swered , “ You have said so .”
While they were eat ing , Jesus took bread , and when he had giv en thanks , he broke it and gave it to his dis ci ples , say ing , “ Take and eat ; this is my body .”
Then he took a cup , and when he had giv en thanks , he gave it to them , say ing , “ Drink from it , all of you . 28 This is my blood of the a cov enant , which is poured out for many for the for give ness of sins . 29 I tell you , I will not drink from this fruit of the vine from now on un til that day when I drink it new with you in my Fa ther ’ s king dom .”
When they had sung a hymn , they went out to the Mount of Ol ives .
Jesus Predicts Peter ’ s Denial
26:31-35pp — ​Mk 14:27-31 ; Lk 22:31-34
Then Jesus told them , “ This very night you will all fall away on ac count of me , for it is writ ten :
“ ‘ I will strike the shepherd , and the sheep of the flock will be scattered .’ b
But af ter I have ris en , I will go ahead of you into Gal i lee .”
Pe ter re plied , “ Even if all fall away on ac count of you , I nev er will .”
“ Tru ly I tell you ,” Jesus an swered , “ this very night , be fore the roost er crows , you will dis own me three times .”
But Pe ter de clared , “ Even if I have to die with you , I will nev er dis own you .” And all the oth er dis ci ples said the same .
MattheW 26:49 | 1587
and the two sons of Zeb e dee along with him , and he be gan to be sor row ful and trou bled . 38 Then he said to them , “ My soul is over whelmed with sor row to the point of death . Stay here and keep watch with me .”
Go ing a lit tle far ther , he fell with his face to the ground and prayed , “ My Fa ther , if it is pos sible , may this cup be tak en from me . Yet not as I will , but as you will .”
Then he re turned to his dis ci ples and found them sleep ing . “ Couldn ’ t you men keep watch with me for one hour ?” he asked Pe ter . 41 “ Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temp ta tion . The spir it is will ing , but the flesh is weak .”
He went away a sec ond time and prayed , “ My Fa ther , if it is not pos si ble for this cup to be tak en away un less I drink it , may your will be done .”
When he came back , he again found them sleep ing , be cause their eyes were heavy . 44 So he left them and went away once more and prayed the third time , say ing the same thing .
Then he re turned to the dis ci ples and said to them , “ Are you still sleep ing and rest ing ? Look , the hour has come , and the Son of Man is de liv ered into the hands of sin ners . 46 Rise ! Let us go ! Here comes my be tray er !”
Jesus Arrested
26:47-56pp — ​Mk 14:43-50 ; Lk 22:47-53
While he was still speak ing , Ju das , one of the Twelve , ar rived . With him was a large crowd armed with swords and clubs , sent from the chief priests and the el ders of the peo ple . 48 Now the be tray er had ar ranged a sig nal with them : “ The one I kiss is the man ; ar rest him .” 49 Go ing at once to Jesus , Ju das said , “ Greet ings , Rab bi !” and kissed him .
26:36-46pp — ​Mk 14:32-42 ; Lk 22:40-46
Then Jesus went with his dis ci ples to a place called Geth sem a ne , and he said to them , “ Sit here while I go over there and pray .” 37 He took Pe ter
28 Some manuscripts the new
31 Zech . 13:7
26:25 Rabbi Judas ’ query differs from that of the other disciples ( Mt 26:22 ). Throughout Matthew ’ s Gospel , only those who show faith in Jesus call him “ Lord .”
26:26 – 30 As the meal continues , Jesus gives his disciples the bread and cup as sacraments signifying his atoning death .
26:26 Take and eat ; this is my body Jesus ’ body was the final sacrifice that would atone for sins , just as the Passover lamb signified the atonement for the people ’ s sins every year ( Lev 16 ). 26:27 he took a cup The Passover meal includes four ( sometimes five ) cups of wine ; this is likely the third , the cup of blessing . 26:28 my blood of the covenant In the ancient Near East , covenants often were ratified using blood ( through sacrifice ). At Sinai , Moses sprinkled the people with the blood of the covenant ( Ex 24:8 ). The elements of the Lord ’ s Supper serve as signs of the new covenant ( Jer 31:31 – 34 ). 26:29 drink it new with you Likely a reference to the Messianic banquet ( see Mt 8:11 and note ).
26:30 When they had sung a hymn Refers to portions of Ps 113 – 118 .
26:31 – 56 Jesus states that the disciples — ​even Peter — ​ will abandon him . He takes them to a secluded place to pray , but the disciples , failing to grasp the urgency of his distress , fall asleep . A short time later , an armed mob led by Judas arrives to arrest Jesus . As predicted , the disciples flee .
26:31 I will strike the shepherd Jesus quotes Zec 13:7 . See the table “ Jesus ’ Fulfillment of OT Prophecy ” on p . 1573 . 26:36 Gethsemane See note on Mk 14:32 . 26:37 Peter and the two sons of Zebedee Peter , James and John ( see Mt 17:1 and note ). 26:38 keep watch with me The Greek word used here , grēgoreō (“ to be awake ” or “ watchful ”), appears in Jesus ’ teachings in 24:42 and 25:13 to stress the importance of being ready for the Son of Man ’ s arrival . 26:39 this cup Refers to suffering ( compare 20:22 – 23 ). 26:48 The one I kiss A customary greeting .