NIV, Faithlife Study Bible | Page 211

MattheW 21:22 | 1575
Jesus Curses a Fig Tree
21:18-22pp — ​ Mk 11:12-14,20-24
Ear ly in the morn ing , as Jesus was on his way back to the city , he was hun gry . 19 See ing a fig tree by the road , he went up to it but found noth ing on it ex cept leaves . Then he said to it , “ May you nev er bear fruit again !” Im me di ate ly the tree with ered .
When the dis ci ples saw this , they were amazed . “ How did the fig tree with er so quickly ?” they asked .
Jesus re plied , “ Tru ly I tell you , if you have faith and do not doubt , not only can you do what was done to the fig tree , but also you can say to this moun tain , ‘ Go , throw your self into the sea ,’ and it will be done . 22 If you be lieve , you will re ceive what ev er you ask for in prayer .”
21:18 – 22 When Jesus reenters Jerusalem the next morning , he pronounces a curse on a barren fig tree as a symbolic act of judgment against the city and its leaders . In rejecting the Messiah , Jerusalem is failing to fulfill its purpose — ​just like the fig tree .
21:19 Immediately the tree withered The fig tree is a common OT metaphor for Israel , and fruitless fig trees represented judgment ( e . g ., Isa 34:4 ; Jer 24:1 – 10 ; Hos 2:12 ; Joel 1:7 ). Compare Mk 11:12 – 14,20 – 21 .

Jesus ’ Fulfillment of OT Prophecy ( continued )

The prophets testify to Jesus and forgiveness of sins through his name
Ac 10:43
“ the prophets ”
Jesus the savior from the seed of David Ac 13:22 – 23 No specific OT reference .
The death of the Messiah Ac 13:29 ; 26:22 – 23 ; 1Pe 1:10 – 11
The Messiah ’ s resurrection and protection from corruption
The gospel promised beforehand in the Scriptures
The righ teous ness of God through faith in Christ is attested by the Law and the Prophets
“ the prophets and Moses ” in Ac 26:22
Ac 13:34 – 35 Isa 55:3 ( LXX ); Ps 16:10
Ro 1:2 “ through his prophets ”
Ro 3:21 – 22 “ the law and the prophets ”
The Deliverer from Zion
Ro 11:26 – 27
Isa 59:20 – 21
“ Christ did not please himself ”
Ro 15:3
Ps 68:10
Christ became a servant of the Jews so that Gentiles would come to glorify God
“ Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures ”
Christ became a “ life-giving spirit ” as a natural development from the fleshly Adam
Ro 15:8 – 12 ; Ac 26:22 – 23
Ps 18:49 ; Dt 32:43 ( LXX ); Ps 117:1 ; Isa 11:10 ( LXX )
1Co 15:3 – 4 No specific OT reference .
1Co 15:45 Ge 2:7
Christ became a curse
Gal 3:13
See Ge 12:3 ; Dt 27:15 – 26 ; 28:15 – 68 .
God ’ s Son was temporarily made “ a little
Heb 2:7
Ps 8:4 – 6
lower than the angels ”
The Messiah ’ s death and resurrection
1Pe 1:10 – 11
“ the prophets ”