NIV, Faithlife Study Bible | Page 196

1560 | MattheW 14:15
As eve ning ap proached , the dis ci ples came to him and said , “ This is a re mote place , and it ’ s al ready get ting late . Send the crowds away , so they can go to the vil lag es and buy them selves some food .”
Jesus re plied , “ They do not need to go away . You give them some thing to eat .”
“ We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish ,” they an swered .
“ Bring them here to me ,” he said . 19 And he direct ed the peo ple to sit down on the grass . Tak ing the five loaves and the two fish and look ing up to heav en , he gave thanks and broke the loaves . Then he gave them to the dis ci ples , and the dis ci ples
gave them to the peo ple . 20 They all ate and were sat is fied , and the dis ci ples picked up twelve basket fuls of bro ken piec es that were left over . 21 The num ber of those who ate was about five thou sand men , be sides wom en and chil dren .
Jesus Walks on the Water
14:22-33pp — ​Mk 6:45-51 ; Jn 6:16-21 14:34-36pp — ​ Mk 6:53-56
Im me di ate ly Jesus made the dis ci ples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the oth er side , while he dis missed the crowd . 23 Af ter he had dismissed them , he went up on a moun tain side by
14:17 five loaves of bread and two fish A meal that might feed two people . Bread and fish were the staples of a Galilean peasant diet .
14:20 twelve basketfuls One per disciple . In the OT , God fed his people with manna , but there were no edible leftovers ( Ex 16:14 – 21 ).

First-Century Galilean


Fishing Boat

Sailboats of this period had only a mast and “ yard ,” and were used near shore under favorable wind conditions .
The fishing technique of this period required that fishermen frequently dive into the water . Consequently , fishermen often worked without clothing ( see Jn 21:7 ).
Ancient fishing vessels were small and not very stable or maneuverable .
SIZE COMPARISON ( approximate ): School bus
Delivery truck
Galilean boat
Length : 37 ft . Length : 27 ft . Length : 26 ft .
This type of small sailboat was very common in first century Galilee ; it was likely the same kind that Jesus ’ first disciples used .
Net Prow
The cast net opens as it is thrown and hits the water mostly flat .
The weights on the perimeter of the net pull the edges down around the fish .
As the fisherman retrieves the net , the weights come together and trap the fish inside .