NIV, Faithlife Study Bible | Page 190

1554 | MattheW 12:2
and eat them . 2 When the Phar i sees saw this , they said to him , “ Look ! Your dis ci ples are do ing what is un law ful on the Sab bath .”
He an swered , “ Haven ’ t you read what Da vid did when he and his com pan ions were hun gry ? 4 He en tered the house of God , and he and his com panions ate the con se crat ed bread — which was not law ful for them to do , but only for the priests . 5 Or haven ’ t you read in the Law that the priests on Sabbath duty in the tem ple des e crate the Sab bath and yet are in no cent ? 6 I tell you that some thing great er than the tem ple is here . 7 If you had known what these words mean , ‘ I de sire mer cy , not sac ri fice ,’ a you would not have con demned the in no cent . 8 For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sab bath .”
Go ing on from that place , he went into their syn a gogue , 10 and a man with a shriv eled hand was there . Look ing for a rea son to bring charges against Jesus , they asked him , “ Is it law ful to heal on the Sab bath ?”
He said to them , “ If any of you has a sheep and it falls into a pit on the Sab bath , will you not take hold of it and lift it out ? 12 How much more valu able is a per son than a sheep ! There fore it is law ful to do good on the Sab bath .”
Then he said to the man , “ Stretch out your hand .” So he stretched it out and it was com plete ly re stored , just as sound as the oth er . 14 But the Phar i­ sees went out and plot ted how they might kill Jesus . were ill . 16 He warned them not to tell oth ers about him . 17 This was to ful fill what was spo ken through the proph et Isa iah :
“ Here is my servant whom I have chosen , the one I love , in whom I delight ;
I will put my Spirit on him , and he will proclaim justice to the nations .
He will not quarrel or cry out ; no one will hear his voice in the streets .
A bruised reed he will not break , and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out , till he has brought justice through to victory .
In his name the nations will put their hope .” b
Jesus and Beelzebul
12:25-29pp — ​Mk 3:23-27 ; Lk 11:17-22
Then they brought him a de mon-pos sessed man who was blind and mute , and Jesus healed him , so that he could both talk and see . 23 All the peo ple were as ton ished and said , “ Could this be the Son of Da vid ?”
But when the Phar i sees heard this , they said , “ It is only by Be el ze bul , the prince of de mons , that this fel low drives out de mons .”
Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them , “ Ev ery king dom di vid ed against it self will be ruined , and ev ery city or house hold di vid ed against
God ’ s Chosen Servant
Aware of this , Jesus with drew from that place .
A large crowd fol lowed him , and he healed all who
7 Hosea 6:6
21 Isaiah 42:1-4
12:2 Pharisees These Jewish teachers consider the plucking of grain to be a violation of the Sabbath prohibition against work . See note on Mk 2:23 . 12:3 what David did Refers to 1Sa 21:1 – 6 . 12:4 consecrated bread Loaves of bread placed in the tabernacle sanctuary ( Lev 24:5 – 9 ). 12:5 desecrate the Sabbath A reference to the duties of the priests , which technically violated the Sabbath but were permitted by God . 12:6 something greater than the temple is here Likely refers to Jesus and his authority ( compare Jn 2:18 – 21 ), or perhaps to the kingdom of heaven itself . 12:7 I desire mercy , not sacrifice Jesus quotes Hos 6:6 for a second time ( compare Mt 9:13 and note ). 12:8 Son of Man See 8:20 and note . Lord of the Sabbath Jesus asserts his authority over the Sabbath .
12:9 – 14 In a second Sabbath controversy , Jesus heals a man with a withered hand , again demonstrating that people ’ s needs trump ritual observances .
12:9 synagogue See note on 4:23 ; see the infographic “ The Synagogue at Capernaum ” on p . 1656 . 12:10 to bring charges against Jesus If Jesus heals the man , the Pharisees can accuse him of working — ​thus breaking the Sabbath . 12:11 and lift it out Some rabbis taught that , in life and death circumstances , it was permissible to work on the Sabbath ( see the rabbinic work , the Babylonian Talmud , Shabbat 148b ). Others , such as those in the Dead Sea Scrolls community , forbade anything that might be considered work , regardless of the circumstances . The Damascus Document — ​an early collection of Jewish laws found among the Dead Sea Scrolls — ​states that if an animal falls in a pit on the Sabbath , it must be left until after the Sabbath ( Damascus Document A . 10 ).
12:15 – 21 In this brief passage , Matthew identifies Jesus as the suffering servant , who was prophesied in the book of Isaiah .
12:18 The quotation in Mt 12:18 – 21 comes from Isa 42:1 – 4 , which is a prophecy about the suffering servant . See the table “ Jesus ’ Fulfillment of OT Prophecy ” on p . 1573 .
12:18 in whom I delight At Jesus ’ baptism and transfiguration , a voice from heaven speaks these words ( Mt 3:17 ; 17:5 ).
12:22 – 32 In the following section , the Pharisees hear the crowds speaking of Jesus in Messianic terms , so they attempt to discredit his ministry . In return , Jesus accuses them of committing an unpardonable sin .
12:23 Son of David A Messianic title . See note on 1:1 . 12:24 Beelzebul , the prince of demons The people have just wondered whether Jesus is the Messiah , and the Pharisees accuse him of being demonic . See 10:25 and note .