NIV, Faithlife Study Bible | Page 186

1550 | MattheW 10:3
An drew ; James son of Zeb e dee , and his broth er John ; 3 Phil ip and Bar thol o mew ; Thom as and Matthew the tax col lec tor ; James son of Al phae us , and Thad dae us ; 4 Si mon the Zeal ot and Ju das Is car i ot , who be trayed him .
These twelve Jesus sent out with the fol low ing in struc tions : “ Do not go among the Gen tiles or en ter any town of the Sa mar i tans . 6 Go rath er to the lost sheep of Is ra el . 7 As you go , pro claim this mes sage : ‘ The king dom of heav en has come near .’
Heal the sick , raise the dead , cleanse those who have lep ro sy , a drive out de mons . Free ly you have re ceived ; free ly give .
“ Do not get any gold or sil ver or cop per to take with you in your belts — ​ 10 no bag for the jour ney or ex tra shirt or san dals or a staff , for the work er
8 The Greek word traditionally translated leprosy was used for various diseases affecting the skin . by name in Matthew . James son of Zebedee , and his brother John James , John and Peter serve as Jesus ’ inner circle and often are privy to special circumstances ( see 17:1 ; 26:37 ). 10:3 Philip Not mentioned anywhere else in Matthew ( compare Jn 1:43 – 48 ; 6:5 – 7 ; 12:21 – 22 ; 14:8 – 9 ). This apostle is not the same as Philip the evangelist in the book of Acts ( Ac 6:5 ; 8:1 – 8 ; 21:8 ). Bartholomew Traditionally thought to be Nathanael ( see Jn 1:46 ); not mentioned anywhere else in Matthew . Thomas Not mentioned anywhere else in Matthew ( compare Jn 11:16 ; 14:5 ; 20:24 – 28 ; 21:2 ). Matthew the tax collector See note on Mt 9:9 . James son of Alphaeus A second James , differentiated by the name of his father . Thaddaeus He is mentioned here and in Mark ’ s list , but the lists in Luke and Acts have “ Judas , son of James .” The other disciples appear on all four lists ( with the exception of Judas Iscariot , who was dead by Ac 1 ). The identity of Thaddeus remains uncertain . 10:4 Simon the Zealot The Greek word used here to describe Simon , kananaios , translates an Aramaic word meaning “ enthusiast .” In the first century , the term could refer to a sect of Jewish anti-Roman activists or describe a person of religious zeal . This Simon is not mentioned anywhere else in Matthew . See the table “ Major Groups in Jesus ’ Time ” on p . 1630 . Judas Iscariot Judas ’ placement at the end of the list probably reflects his later betrayal of Jesus ( see Mt 26:14 – 16,25,47 – 49 ; 27:3 ). 10:5 Gentiles Jesus first extends his announcement of the kingdom of heaven to the Jews , who were eagerly awaiting its arrival . Their eventual rejection of Jesus leads to the Gentile mission , which receives its clearest expression in the ministry of the apostle Paul ( e . g ., Ac 9:15 ). Samaritans Refers to people of mixed Israelite and foreign descent who lived in the region of Samaria ( formerly the northern kingdom of Israel ). See note on Jn 4:9 . 10:6 the lost sheep of Israel Refers to Jews . 10:7 The kingdom of heaven has come near The disciples were to preach the same message that Jesus preached and that John the Baptist preached before him ( compare Mt 3:2 ; 4:17 ). See note on 3:2 .
10:8 The actions listed here authenticate the disciples ’ message . These actions also show the arrival of the kingdom of heaven ( Lk 4:17 – 19 ).
10:8 Freely you have received ; freely give Jesus calls on the disciples to share the blessings of the kingdom of heaven with no expectation of being compensated . 10:9 Do not get The disciples were to go without money or supplies . Their needs would be met through God ’ s provision .

The Twelve Apostles

MATTHEW 10:2 – 4
MARK 3:16 – 19
LUKE 6:13 – 16
ACTS 1:13
Simon “ Peter ”
Simon “ Peter ”
Simon “ Peter ”
James , son of Zebedee
James , son of Zebedee
James , son of Alphaeus
James , son of Alphaeus
James , son of Alphaeus
James , son of Alphaeus
Simon the Zealot
Simon the Zealot
Simon the Zealot
Simon the Zealot
Judas , son of James
Judas , son of James
Judas Iscariot
Judas Iscariot
Judas Iscariot
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