NIV, Faithlife Study Bible | Page 172

1536 | MattheW 4:11
Then the dev il left him , and an gels came and at tend ed him .
From that time on Jesus be gan to preach , “ Repent , for the king dom of heav en has come near .”
Jesus Begins to Preach
When Jesus heard that John had been put in pris on , he with drew to Gal i lee . 13 Leav ing Naz a reth , he went and lived in Ca per na um , which was by the lake in the area of Zeb u lun and Naph ta li — ​ 14 to ful fill what was said through the proph et Isa iah :
“ Land of Zebulun and land of Naphtali , the Way of the Sea , beyond the Jordan , Galilee of the Gentiles — ​
16 the people living in darkness have seen a great light ; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned .” a a 16 Isaiah 9:1,2
Jesus Calls His First Disciples
4:18-22pp — ​Mk 1:16-20 ; Lk 5:2-11 ; Jn 1:35-42
As Jesus was walk ing be side the Sea of Gal i­ lee , he saw two broth ers , Si mon called Pe ter and his broth er An drew . They were cast ing a net into the lake , for they were fish er men . 19 “ Come , follow me ,” Jesus said , “ and I will send you out to fish for peo ple .” 20 At once they left their nets and fol lowed him .
Go ing on from there , he saw two oth er brothers , James son of Zeb e dee and his broth er John . They were in a boat with their fa ther Zeb e dee , pre par ing their nets . Jesus called them , 22 and work through Peter using a similar remark ( Mt 16:23 ). it is written Jesus quotes Dt 6:13 , where the entire passage speaks against doubting Yahweh .
4:12 – 17 Following his temptation in the wilderness , Jesus returns to the region of Galilee and begins his ministry . This is approximately AD 28 . Luke estimates that Jesus was around 30 when he began his public ministry ( Lk 3:23 ).
4:13 Capernaum A fishing village on the Sea of Galilee ( see note on Lk 4:31 ). See the infographic “ The Synagogue at Capernaum ” on p . 1656 . Zebulun and Naphtali These tribes were allotted territory in what became known as Galilee , but the Jewish population was largely displaced during the Persian period ( ca . 559 – 331 BC ). The inhabitants of Jesus ’ day were mostly Gentiles ( non-Jewish people ) or descendants of Jews who had resettled in the region . 4:14 said through the prophet Isaiah Matthew quotes Isa 9:1 – 2 , which emphasizes an ideal king from David ’ s line ( compare Isa 9:6 and note ). By the time of Matthew ’ s writing , the passage had become associated with the Messiah . See the table “ Jesus ’ Fulfillment of OT Prophecy ” on p . 1573 . 4:17 From that time on Indicates the start of Jesus ’ public ministry ( compare Mt 16:21 ). to preach The Greek word used here , kēryssō , connotes a different sort of proclamation than the modern verb “ preach ” expresses . It often was used to describe official pronouncements of sovereigns , such as declarations of state visits or changes in taxation . kingdom of heaven has come near This concept communicated great urgency in John ’ s proclamation . Several of Jesus ’ parables likewise emphasize impending judgment and that people should repent . See note on 3:2 .
4:18 – 22 Matthew records Jesus ’ calling of two sets of brothers . Three of the four — ​Peter , James and John — ​became the inner circle of his disciples and rose to greater positions of leadership among the apostles and the early church .
4:18 two brothers Capernaum was small , and Jesus had been preaching the coming of the kingdom of heaven ( compare 4:17 ). The two brothers , Peter and Andrew , had probably already heard of Jesus . John 1:40 – 42 also re-
Jesus ’ Early Life and Ministry ( continued )
Jesus gives his famous sermon and the beatitudes .
Jesus raises a widow ’ s son .
Jesus teaches about John the Baptist ’ s greatness .
Women accompany Jesus on another tour of Galilee .
Jesus tells many parables , and his disciples ask him about them .
Jesus heals a centurion ’ s servant .
Jesus reassures John the Baptist ’ s disciples .
A sinful woman anoints Jesus ’ feet ( Luke ).
Jesus ’ relatives seek him .
Jesus calms a storm at sea .