NIV, Faithlife Study Bible | Page 122

72 | Genesis 36:23
The sons of Sho bal : Al van , Man a hath , Ebal , She pho and Onam .
The sons of Zib e on : Aiah and Anah . This is the Anah who discov ered the hot springs a in the des ert while he was graz ing the don keys of his fa ther Zib e on .
The chil dren of Anah : Di shon and Ohol i ba mah daugh ter of Anah .
The sons of Di shon b : Hem dan , Esh ban , Ith ran and Ke ran .
The sons of Ezer : Bil han , Za a van and Akan .
The sons of Di shan : Uz and Aran .
These were the Ho rite chiefs : Lo tan , Sho bal , Zib e on , Anah , 30 Di shon , Ezer and Di shan . These were the Ho rite chiefs , ac cord ing to their di vi sions , in the land of Seir .
The Rulers of Edom
36:31-43pp — ​ 1Ch 1:43-54
These were the kings who reigned in Edom be fore any Is ra el ite king reigned :
Bela son of Beor be came king of Edom . His city was named Din ha bah .
When Bela died , Jo bab son of Ze rah from Boz rah suc ceed ed him as king .
When Jo bab died , Hu sham from the land of the Te man ites suc ceed ed him as king .
When Hu sham died , Ha dad son of Be dad , who de feat ed Mid i an in the coun try of Moab , suc ceed ed him as king . His city was named Avith .
When Ha dad died , Sam lah from Mas re kah suc ceed ed him as king .
When Sam lah died , Sha ul from Re ho both on the riv er suc ceed ed him as king .
38 When Sha ul died , Baal-Ha nan son of Ak bor suc ceed ed him as king .
When Baal-Ha nan son of Ak bor died , Ha dad c suc ceed ed him as king . His city was named Pau , and his wife ’ s name was Me het a bel daugh ter of Ma tred , the daugh ter of Me- Za hab .
These were the chiefs de scend ed from Esau , by name , ac cord ing to their clans and re gions : Tim na , Al vah , Je theth , 41 Ohol i ba mah , Elah , Pi non , 42 Ke naz , Te man , Mib zar , 43 Mag di el and Iram . These were the chiefs of Edom , ac cord ing to their set tle ments in the land they oc cu pied .
This is the family line of Esau , the fa ther of the Edom ites .
Joseph ’ s Dreams
Ja cob lived in the land where his fa ther had stayed , the land of Ca naan .

37 2

This is the ac count of Ja cob ’ s fam i ly line .
Jo seph , a young man of sev en teen , was tend ing the flocks with his broth ers , the sons of Bil hah and the sons of Zil pah , his fa ther ’ s wives , and he brought their fa ther a bad re port about them .
Now Is ra el loved Jo seph more than any of his oth er sons , be cause he had been born to him in his old age ; and he made an or nate d robe for him .
When his broth ers saw that their fa ther loved him more than any of them , they hat ed him and could not speak a kind word to him .
Jo seph had a dream , and when he told it to his a
24 Vulgate ; Syriac discovered water ; the meaning of the Hebrew for this word is uncertain . b
26 Hebrew Dishan , a variant of
Dishon c
39 Many manuscripts of the Masoretic Text , Samaritan Pentateuch and Syriac ( see also 1 Chron . 1:50 ); most manuscripts of the Masoretic Text Hadar d
3 The meaning of the Hebrew for this word is uncertain ; also in verses 23 and 32 .
36:31 – 39 This section presents an account of eight kings who ruled in Edom before the Israelite monarchy ( v . 31 ).
36:31 before any Israelite king reigned Since Saul , the first king of the Israelites , came centuries after the era of the patriarchs , this phrase was likely added by an editor to indicate that the prophecy given to Rebekah about Esau ’ s fate had been fulfilled ( see 25:23 ; compare 27:40 ). According to 1Sa 14:47 , Saul fought against the Edomites , and David later dominated Edom ( 2Sa 8:2,13 – 14 ; 1Ki 11:14 – 17 ). 36:33 Bozrah The later capital city of Edom ; it is sometimes equated with Edom as a whole ( Isa 34:6 ; 63:1 ; Jer 49:13 ).
36:40 – 43 This list of names is not identical to previous ones . Likely arranged by localities , it may reflect Edomite administrative ordering during the time of the last Edomite king ( see 1Ch 1:54 ).
37:1 — ​50:26 The remainder of Genesis presents the story of Joseph and his brothers , as well as the episode of Judah and Tamar ( Ge 38 ) and Jacob ’ s final words ( ch . 49 ). Joseph ’ s story is the longest in the patriarchal narratives . It leads to Israel ’ s descent into Egypt in fulfillment of Yahweh ’ s announcement to Abraham ( 15:13 ).
37:1 – 36 The first part of this chapter ( vv . 1 – 11 ) gives the reasons for the animosity of Joseph ’ s brothers . The remainder ( vv . 12 – 36 ) details their response to Jacob ’ s favoritism and what they perceive as Joseph ’ s youthful arrogance .
37:2 Joseph Jacob ’ s eleventh son , the firstborn of his favorite wife , Rachel ( 30:24 – 25 ). See the people diagram “ Joseph ’ s , Son of Jacob , Family Tree ” on p . 82 . 37:3 an ornate robe The meaning of the Hebrew phrase used here , kethoneth passim , is uncertain . It also appears in 2Sa 13:18 – 19 , but without any description . While it is clear that Joseph ’ s robe set him apart from his brothers — ​likely indicating his favored status — ​it is not clear what set it apart . It could have had long sleeves , been made of expensive material or been a robe of many colors . The idea that the robe had many colors derives from the