NIV Butterfly Garden Holy Bible Book of Mark, "Prayer Is..., Getting to Know Jesus | Page 9

Mark 6:26  l  864 r ­ ight now the head of John the Bap­tist on a plat­ter.” 26 The king was great­ly dis­tressed, but be­cause of his ­oaths and his din­ner g ­ uests, he did not want to refuse her. 27 So he im­ me­di­ate­ly sent an ex­e­cu­tion­er with or­ders to b ­ ring ­John’s head. The man went, be­ head­ed John in the pris­on, 28   and ­brought back his head on a plat­ter. He pre­sent­ed it to the girl, and she gave it to her moth­er. 29 On hear­ing of this, ­John’s dis­ci­ples came and took his body and laid it in a tomb. Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand 30   The apos­tles gath­ered ­around ­Jesus and re­port­ed to him all they had done and ­taught. 31 Then, be­cause so many peo­ple were com­ing and go­ing that they did not even have a ­chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by your­selves to a qui­et place and get some rest.” 32 So they went away by them­selves in a boat to a sol­i­tary p ­ lace. 33 But many who saw them leav­ing rec­og­nized them and ran on foot from all the t ­ owns and got t ­ here ahead of them. 34   When ­Jesus land­ed and saw a l ­ arge c ­ rowd, he had com­pas­sion on them, be­cause they were like s ­ heep with­ out a shep­herd. So he be­gan teach­ing them many things. 35 By this time it was late in the day, so his dis­ci­ples came to him. “This is a re­mote place,” they said, “and it’s al­ready very late. 36 Send the peo­ple away so that they can go to the sur­round­ing coun­try­side and vil­lag­ es and buy them­selves some­thing to eat.” 37 But he an­ swered, “You give them some­thing to eat.” They said to him, “That ­would take more than half a ­year’s wag­es  a  ! Are we to go and spend that much on ­bread and give it to them to eat?” 38 “How many ­loaves do you have?” he asked. “Go and see.” When they f ­ ound out, they said, “Five — ​ and two fish.” 39 Then ­Jesus di­rect­ed them to have all the peo­ple sit down in ­groups on the ­green grass. 40 So they sat down in g ­ roups of hun­ dreds and fif­ties. 41 Tak­ing the five ­loaves and the two fish and look­ing up to heav­ en, he gave ­thanks and ­broke the ­loaves. Then he gave them to his dis­ci­ples to dis­ trib­ute to the peo­ple. He also di­vid­ed the two fish ­among them all. 42 They all ate and were sat­is­fied, 43   and the dis­ci­ples ­picked up ­twelve bas­ket­fuls of bro­ken piec­es of bread and fish. 44 The num­ber of the men who had eat­en was five thou­sand. Jesus Walks on the Water 45   Im­me­di­ate­ly ­Jesus made his dis­ci­ ples get into the boat and go on ­ahead of him to Beth­sa­i­da, ­while he dis­missed the crowd. 46 Af­ter leav­ing them, he went up on a moun­tain­side to pray. 47 Later that night, the boat was in the mid­dle of the lake, and he was a ­ lone on land. 48 He saw the dis­ci­ples strain­ing at the oars, be­cause the wind was a ­ gainst them. Short­ly be­fore dawn he went out to them, walk­ing on the lake. He was ­about to pass by them, 49 but when they saw him walk­ing on the lake, they ­thought he was a g ­ host. They ­cried out, 50 be­cause they all saw him and were ter­ri­fied. Im­me­di­ate­ly he ­spoke to them and said, “Take cour­age! It is I. ­Don’t be ­afraid.” 51 Then he c ­ limbed into the boat with them, and the wind died down. They were com­ plete­ly ­amazed, 52 for they had not un­der­ stood a ­ bout the l ­ oaves; t ­ heir h ­ earts were hard­ened. 53 When they had ­crossed over, they land­ ed at Gen­nes­a­ret and an­chored ­there. 54 As soon as they got out of the boat, peo­ple rec­og­nized ­Jesus. 55 They ran through­out that ­whole re­gion and car­ried the sick on mats to wher­ev­er they ­heard he was. 56 And wher­ev­er he went  — ​into vil­lag­es, ­towns or coun­try­side — ​they p ­ laced the sick in the mar­ket­plac­es. They ­begged him to let them ­touch even the edge of his ­cloak, and all who ­touched it were healed. That Which Defiles 7 The Phar­i­sees and some of the teach­ers of the law who had come from Je­ru­sa­ lem gath­ered ­around ­Jesus 2 and saw some of his dis­ci­ples eat­ing food with h ­ ands that were de­filed, that is, un­washed. 3 (The Phar­i­sees and all the Jews do not eat un­ less they give ­their ­hands a cer­e­mo­ni­al wash­ing, hold­ing to the tra­di­tion of the el­ders. 4 When they come from the mar­ ket­place they do not eat un­less they wash. And they ob­serve many oth­er tra­di­tions, such as the wash­ing of cups, pitch­ers and ket­tles.  b  ) 5 So the Phar­i­sees and teach­ers of the law ­asked ­Jesus, “Why ­don’t your dis­ci­ples live ac­cord­ing to the tra­di­tion of the el­ders in­stead of eat­ing ­their food with de­filed hands?” 6   He re­plied, “Isa­iah was ­right when he a  37 Greek take two hundred denarii    b  4 Some early manuscripts pitchers, kettles and dining couches