NIV Butterfly Garden Holy Bible Book of Mark, "Prayer Is..., Getting to Know Jesus | Page 8

863  l   Mark 6:25 35   While ­Jesus was ­still speak­ing, some peo­ple came from the h ­ ouse of Ja­i­rus, the syn­a­gogue lead­er. “Your daugh­ter is dead,” they said. “Why both­er the teach­er any­more?” 36   Over­hear­ing  a what they said, ­Jesus told him, “Don’t be ­afraid; just be­lieve.” 37 He did not let any­one fol­low him ex­ cept Pe­ter, ­James and John the broth­er of ­James. 38 When they came to the home of the syn­a­gogue lead­er, ­Jesus saw a com­mo­ tion, with peo­ple cry­ing and wail­ing loud­ ly. 39 He went in and said to them, “Why all this com­mo­tion and wail­ing? The ­child is not dead but a ­ sleep.” 40 But they l ­ aughed at him. Af­ter he put them all out, he took the child’s fa­ther and moth­er and the dis­ci­ples who were with him, and went in w ­ here the ­child was. 41 He took her by the hand and said to her, “Tal­i­tha koum!” (which ­means “Lit­tle girl, I say to you, get up!”). 42 Im­ me­di­ate­ly the girl ­stood up and be­gan to walk ­around (she was ­twelve ­years old). At this they were com­plete­ly as­ton­ished. 43 He gave s ­ trict or­ders not to let any­one know about this, and told them to give her some­ thing to eat. A Prophet Without Honor 6 ­ esus left ­there and went to his home­ J town, ac­com­pa­nied by his dis­ci­ples. 2 When the Sab­bath came, he be­gan to teach in the syn­a­gogue, and many who heard him were amazed. “Where did this man get ­these ­things?” they a ­ sked. “What’s this wis­dom that has been giv­en him? What are t ­ hese re­mark­ able mir­a­cles he is per­form­ing? 3 Isn’t this the car­pen­ter? ­Isn’t this ­Mary’s son and the broth­er of ­James, Jo­seph,  b Ju­das and Si­ mon? ­Aren’t his sis­ters here with us?” And they took of­fense at him. 4 ­Jesus said to them, “A proph­et is not with­out hon­or ex­cept in his own town, among his rel­a­tives and in his own h ­ ome.” 5 He ­could not do any mir­a c ­ les t ­ here, ex­ cept lay his h ­ ands on a few sick peo­ple and heal them. 6 He was ­amazed at t ­ heir lack of faith. Jesus Sends Out the Twelve Then ­Jesus went ­around teach­ing from vil­lage to vil­lage. 7   Call­ing the ­Twelve to him, he be­gan to send them out two by two and gave them au­thor­i t ­ y over im­pure spir­its. 8  These were his in­struc­tions: “Take noth­ing for the jour­ney ex­cept a s ­ taff — ​ no ­bread, no bag, no mon­ey in your ­belts. 9 Wear san­ dals but not an ex­ tra ­ shirt. 10 When­ev­er you en­ter a ­house, stay ­there un­til you ­leave that town. 11 And if any ­place will not wel­come you or lis­ten to you, l ­ eave that place and ­shake the dust off your feet as a tes­ti­mo­ny ­against them.” 12 They went out and ­preached that peo­ ­ rove out many ple ­should re­pent. 13 They d de­mons and anoint­ed many sick peo­ple with oil and ­healed them. John the Baptist Beheaded 14 King Her­od ­heard ­about this, for ­Jesus’ name had be­come well k ­ nown. Some were say­ing,  c “John the Bap­tist has been r ­ aised from the dead, and that is why mi­rac­u­lous pow­ers are at work in him.” 15 Oth­ers said, “He is Eli­jah.” And ­still oth­ers ­claimed, “He is a proph­ et, like one of the proph­ets of long ago.” 16 But when Her­od ­heard this, he said, “John, whom I be­head­ed, has been ­raised from the dead!” 17 For Her­od him­self had giv­en or­ders to have John ar­rest­ed, and he had him b ­ ound and put in pris­on. He did this be­cause of He­ro­di­as, his broth­er Phil­ip’s wife, whom he had mar­ried. 18 For John had been say­ing to Her­od, “It is not law­ful for you to have your broth­er’s wife.” 19  So He­ro­di­as ­nursed a ­grudge ­against John and want­ed to kill him. But she was not able to, 20 be­cause Her­ od f ­ eared John and pro­tect­ed him, know­ ing him to be a righ­teous and holy man. When Her­od h ­ eard John, he was great­ly puz­zled  d ; yet he ­liked to lis­ten to him. 21 Fi­nal­ly the op­por­tune time came. On his birth­day Her­od gave a ban­quet for his high of­fi­cials and mil­i­tary com­mand­ers and the lead­ing men of Gal­i l ­ ee. 22 When the daugh­ter of  e He­ro­di­as came in and ­danced, she p ­ leased Her­od and his din­ner guests. The king said to the girl, “Ask me for any­thing you want, and I’ll give it to you.” 23 And he prom­ ised her with an oath, “What­ev­er you ask I will give you, up to half my king­dom.” 24 She went out and said to her moth­er, “What s ­ hall I ask for?” “The head of John the Bap­tist,” she an­ swered. 25 At once the girl hur­ried in to the king with the re­quest: “I want you to give me a  36 Or Ignoring    b  3 Greek Joses, a variant of Joseph    c  14  Some early manuscripts He was d saying     20  Some early manuscripts he did many things    e  22  Some early manuscripts When his daughter