NIV Butterfly Garden Holy Bible Book of Mark, "Prayer Is..., Getting to Know Jesus | Page 21

Mark 15:27  l  876 27 They cru­ci­fied two reb­els with him, one on his r ­ ight and one on his left. [28] a 29 Those who ­passed by ­hurled in­sults at him, shak­ing ­their ­heads and say­ing, “So! You who are go­ing to de­stroy the tem­ple and ­build it in t ­ hree days, 30 come down from the ­cross and save your­self !” 31 In the same way the ­chief ­priests and the teach­ ers of the law ­mocked him ­among them­ selves. “He ­saved oth­ers,” they said, “but he ­can’t save him­self ! 32   Let this Mes­si­ah, this king of Is­ra­el, come down now from the ­cross, that we may see and be­lieve.” Those cru­ci­fied with him also h ­ eaped in­ sults on him. The Death of ­Jesus 33 At noon, dark­ness came over the ­whole land un­til t ­ hree in the af­ter­noon. 34 And at three in the af­ter­noon ­Jesus ­cried out in a loud ­voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sa­bach­tha­ni?  ” (which ­means “My God, my God, why have you for­sak­en me?”).  b 35 When some of ­those stand­ing near heard this, they said, “Lis­ten, he’s call­ing Eli­jah.” 36 Some­one ran, ­filled a ­sponge with wine vin­egar, put it on a ­staff, and of­fered it to ­Jesus to ­drink. “Now ­leave him ­alone. Let’s see if Eli­jah ­comes to take him down,” he said. 37 With a loud cry, ­Jesus ­breathed his last. 38 The cur­tain of the tem­ple was torn in two from top to bot­tom. 39 And when the cen­tu­ri­on, who ­stood ­there in ­front of Jesus, saw how he died,  c he said, “Sure­ly this man was the Son of God!” 40 Some wom­en were watch­ing from a dis­tance. ­Among them were Mary Mag­da­ lene, Mary the moth­er of ­James the youn­ ger and of Jo­seph,  d and Sa­lo­me. 41  In Gal­i­lee these wom­en had fol­lowed him and ­cared for his n ­ eeds. Many oth­er wom­en who had come up with him to Je­ru­sa­lem were also there. The Burial of ­Jesus 42 It was Prep­a r ­ a­tion Day (that is, the day be­fore the Sab­bath). So as eve­ning ap­ proached, 43   Jo­seph of Ar­i­ma­thea, a prom­ i­nent mem­ber of the Coun­cil, who was him­self wait­ing for the king­dom of God, went bold­ly to Pi­late and ­asked for ­Jesus’ body. 44 Pi­late was sur­prised to hear that he was al­ready dead. Sum­mon­ing the cen­ tu­ri­on, he ­asked him if ­Jesus had al­ready died. 45 When he ­learned from the cen­tu­ ri­on that it was so, he gave the body to Jo­seph. 46   So Jo­seph ­bought some lin­en c ­ loth, took down the body, ­wrapped it in the lin­en, and p ­ laced it in a tomb cut out of rock. Then he ­rolled a ­stone ­against the en­trance of the tomb. 47   Mary Mag­da­lene and Mary the moth­er of Jo­seph saw ­where he was laid. Jesus Has Risen 16 When the Sab­bath was over, Mary Mag­ d a­ l ene, Mary the moth­ e r of James, and Sa­lo­me ­bought spic­es so that they ­might go to a ­ noint ­Jesus’ body. 2 Very ear­ly on the f ­ irst day of the week, just af­ter sun­rise, they were on ­their way to the tomb 3 and they ­asked each oth­er, “Who will roll the ­stone away from the en­trance of the tomb?” 4 But when they l ­ ooked up, they saw that the s ­ tone, ­which was very l ­ arge, had been ­rolled away. 5 As they en­tered the tomb, they saw a ­young man d ­ ressed in a ­white robe sit­ting on the r ­ ight side, and they were alarmed. 6 “Don’t be ­alarmed,” he said. “You are look­ing for ­Jesus the Naz­a­rene, who was cru­ci­fied. He has ris­en! He is not here. See the ­place ­where they laid him. 7 But go, tell his dis­ci­ples and Pe­ter, ‘He is go­ing a ­ head of you into Gal­i­lee. ­There you will see him, just as he told you.’ ” 8   Trem­bling and be­wil­dered, the wom­ en went out and fled from the tomb. They said noth­ing to any­one, be­cause they were afraid.  e [The earliest manuscripts and some other ancient witnesses do not have verses 9 – ​20.] 9 When ­Jesus rose ear­ly on the ­first day of the week, he ap­peared f ­ irst to Mary Mag­da­lene, out of whom he had driv­en sev­en de­mons. 10 She went and told ­those who had been with him and who were mourn­ing and weep­ing. 11 When they ­heard that Jesus was ­alive and that she had seen him, they did not be­lieve it. 12 Af­ter­ward ­Jesus ap­peared in a dif­fer­ent form to two of them ­while they were walk­ing in the a  28  Some manuscripts include here words similar to Luke 22:37.    b  34 Psalm 22:1    c  39  Some manuscripts saw that he died with such a cry    d  40 Greek Joses, a variant of Joseph; also in verse 47    e  8  Some manuscripts have the following ending between verses 8 and 9, and one manuscript has it after verse 8 (omitting verses 9-20): Then they quickly reported all these instructions to those around Peter. After this, ­Jesus himself also sent out through them from east to west the sacred and imperishable proclamation of eternal salvation. Amen.