NIV Butterfly Garden Holy Bible Book of Mark, "Prayer Is..., Getting to Know Jesus | Page 19

Mark 14:25  l  874 them. 25 “Tru­ly I tell you, I will not ­drink again from the ­fruit of the vine un­til that day when I ­drink it new in the king­dom of God.” 26 When they had sung a hymn, they went out to the M ­ ount of Ol­ives. Jesus Predicts Peter’s Denial 27 “You will all fall away,” ­Jesus told them, “for it is writ­ten: “ ‘I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered.’  a 28 But af­ter I have ris­en, I will go ­ahead of you into Gal­i­lee.” 29 Pe­ter de­clared, “Even if all fall away, I will not.” 30 “Tru­ly I tell you,” ­Jesus an­swered, “to­ day  — ​ yes, to­night  — ​be­fore the roost­er ­crows ­twice  b you your­self will dis­own me three times.” 31  But Pe­ter in­sist­ed em­phat­i­cal­ly, “Even if I have to die with you, I will nev­er dis­ own you.” And all the oth­ers said the same. Gethsemane 32 They went to a p ­ lace ­called Geth­sem­a­ ne, and ­Jesus said to his dis­ci­ples, “Sit here while I pray.” 33 He took Pe­ter, ­James and John ­along with him, and he be­gan to be deep­ly dis­tressed and trou­bled. 34 “My soul is over­whelmed with sor­row to the ­point of ­death,” he said to them. “Stay here and keep watch.” 35 Go­ing a lit­tle far­ther, he fell to the ground and p ­ rayed that if pos­si­ble the hour m ­ ight pass from him. 36  “Abba,  c Fa­ ther,” he said, “ev­ery­thing is pos­si­ble for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.” 37 Then he re­turned to his dis­ci­ples and ­found them sleep­ing. “Si­mon,” he said to Pe­ter, “are you ­asleep? ­Couldn’t you keep watch for one hour? 38 Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temp­ta­tion. The spir­it is will­ing, but the ­flesh is weak.” 39 Once more he went away and ­prayed the same t ­ hing. 40 When he came back, he ­again ­found them sleep­ing, be­cause ­their eyes were ­heavy. They did not know what to say to him. 41 Re­turn­ing the ­third time, he said to them, “Are you ­still sleep­ing and rest­ing? Enough! The hour has come. Look, the Son of Man is de­liv­ered into the ­hands of sin­ ners. 42 Rise! Let us go! Here ­comes my be­ tray­er!” ­Jesus Arrested 43 Just as he was speak­ing, Ju­das, one of the ­Twelve, ap­peared. With him was a crowd ­armed with ­swords and ­clubs, sent from the c ­ hief p ­ riests, the teach­ers of the law, and the el­ders. 44 Now the be­ t ray­ e r had ar­ ranged a sig­nal with them: “The one I kiss is the man; ar­rest him and lead him away un­ der ­guard.” 45  Go­ing at once to ­Jesus, Ju­das said, “Rab­bi!” and ­kissed him. 46 The men seized ­Jesus and ar­rest­ed him. 47 Then one of ­those stand­ing near drew his ­sword and struck the ser­vant of the high p ­ riest, cut­ ting off his ear. 48 “Am I lead­ing a re­bel­lion,” said ­Jesus, “that you have come out with ­swords and clubs to cap­ture me? 49 Ev­ery day I was with you, teach­ing in the tem­ple ­courts, and you did not ar­rest me. But the Scrip­tures must be ful­filled.” 50  Then ev­ery­one de­sert­ ed him and fled. 51 A ­young man, wear­ing noth­ing but a lin­en gar­ment, was fol­low­ing ­Jesus. When they s ­ eized him, 52 he fled na­ked, leav­ing his gar­ment be­hind. Jesus Before the Sanhedrin 53 They took ­Jesus to the high ­priest, and all the ­chief ­priests, the el­ders and the teach­ers of the law came to­geth­er. 54   Pe­ter fol­lowed him at a dis­tance, ­right into the court­yard of the high ­priest. ­There he sat with the ­guards and ­warmed him­self at the fire. 55 The ­chief ­priests and the ­whole San­ he­drin were look­ing for ev­i­dence ­against Jesus so that they c ­ ould put him to d ­ eath, but they did not find any. 56  Many tes­ti­fied false­ly ­against him, but ­their state­ments did not agree. 57 Then some s ­ tood up and gave this ­false tes­ti­mo­ny ­against him: 58   “We ­heard him say, ‘I will de­stroy this tem­ple made with hu­man ­hands and in t ­ hree days will ­build an­oth­er, not made with ­hands.’  ” 59 Yet even then t ­ heir tes­ti­mo­ny did not agree. 60 Then the high ­priest ­stood up be­fore them and ­asked ­Jesus, “Are you not go­ ing to an­swer? What is this tes­ti­mo­ny that these men are bring­ing ­against you?” 61 But Jesus re­mained si­lent and gave no an­swer. Again the high ­priest ­asked him, “Are you the Mes­si­ah, the Son of the ­Blessed One?” a  27 Zech. 13:7    b  30  Some early manuscripts do not have twice.    c  36  Aramaic for father