NIV Butterfly Garden Holy Bible Book of Mark, "Prayer Is..., Getting to Know Jesus | Page 17

Mark 12:37  l  872 “ ‘The Lord said to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies under your feet.” ’  a 37 Da­vid him­self ­calls him ‘Lord.’ How then can he be his son?” The ­large ­crowd lis­tened to him with de­ light. Warning Against the Teachers of the Law 38 As he ­taught, ­Jesus said, “Watch out for the teach­ers of the law. They like to walk ­around in flow­ing ­robes and be greet­ ed with re­spect in the mar­ket­plac­es, 39 and have the most im­por­tant ­seats in the syn­ a­gogues and the plac­es of hon­or at ban­ quets. 40 They de­vour wid­ows’ hous­es and for a show make ­lengthy ­prayers. ­These men will be pun­ished most se­vere­ly.” The Widow’s Offering 41 ­ Jesus sat down op­ po­ site the ­ place where the of­fer­ings were put and ­watched the c ­ rowd put­ting t ­ heir mon­ey into the tem­ple trea­sury. Many rich peo­ple ­threw in ­large ­amounts. 42 But a poor wid­ow came and put in two very s ­ mall cop­per c ­ oins, worth only a few ­cents. 43 Call­ing his dis­ci­ples to him, ­Jesus said, “Tru­ly I tell you, this poor wid­ow has put more into the trea­sury than all the oth­ers. 44 They all gave out of t ­ heir ­wealth; but she, out of her pov­er­ty, put in ev­ery­thing — ​all she had to live on.” The Destruction of the Temple and Signs of the End Times 13 As ­Jesus was leav­ing the tem­ple, one of his dis­ci­ples said to him, “Look, Teach­er! What mas­sive ­stones! What mag­ nif­i­cent build­ings!” 2 “Do you see all t ­ hese g ­ reat build­ings?” re­plied ­Jesus. “Not one ­stone here will be left on an­oth­er; ev­ery one will be t ­ hrown down.” 3 As ­Jesus was sit­ting on the ­Mount of Ol­ives op­po­site the tem­ple, Pe­ter, ­James, John and An­drew ­asked him pri­vate­ly, 4 “Tell us, when will ­these ­things hap­pen? And what will be the sign that they are all about to be ful­filled?” 5 ­Jesus said to them: “Watch out that no one de­ceives you. 6 Many will come in my name, claim­ing, ‘I am he,’ and will de­ceive many. 7 When you hear of wars and ru­mors of wars, do not be a ­ larmed. Such t ­ hings must hap­pen, but the end is ­still to come. 8 Na­tion will rise ­against na­tion, and king­ dom ­against king­dom. ­There will be earth­ quakes in var­i­ous plac­es, and fam­ines. These are the be­gin­ning of ­birth pains. 9 “You must be on your ­guard. You will be hand­ed over to the lo­cal coun­cils and flogged in the syn­a­gogues. On ac­count of me you will ­stand be­fore gov­er­nors and kings as wit­ness­es to them. 10 And the gos­ pel must f ­ irst be p ­ reached to all na­tions. 11 When­ev­er you are ar­rest­ed and ­brought to tri­al, do not wor­ry be­fore­hand ­about what to say. Just say what­ev­er is giv­en you at the time, for it is not you speak­ing, but the Holy Spir­it. 12 “Broth­er will be­tray broth­er to ­death, and a fa­ther his ­child. Chil­dren will re­bel against t ­ heir par­ents and have them put to death. 13 Ev­ery­one will hate you be­cause of me, but the one who ­stands firm to the end will be saved. 14 “When you see ‘the abom­i­na­tion that caus­es des­o­la­tion’  b stand­ing ­where it  c does not be­long  — ​let the read­er un­der­stand  — ​ then let ­those who are in Ju­dea flee to the moun­tains. 15 Let no one on the house­top go down or en­ter the ­house to take any­ thing out. 16 Let no one in the ­field go back to get t ­ heir c ­ loak. 17 How dread­ful it will be in ­those days for preg­nant wom­en and nurs­ing moth­ers! 18 Pray that this will not take ­place in win­ter, 19 be­cause ­those will be days of dis­tress un­equaled from the be­ gin­ning, when God cre­at­ed the ­world, un­til now — ​and nev­er to be ­equaled ­again. 20 “If the Lord had not cut s ­ hort t ­ hose days, no one ­would sur­vive. But for the sake of the e ­ lect, whom he has cho­sen, he has short­ened them. 21 At that time if any­ one says to you, ‘Look, here is the Mes­si­ ah!’ or, ‘Look, ­there he is!’ do not be­lieve it. 22 For ­false mes­si­ahs and ­false proph­ets will ap­pear and per­form ­signs and won­ders to de­ceive, if pos­si­ble, even the ­elect. 23 So be on your ­guard; I have told you ev­ery­thing ahead of time. 24 “But in t ­ hose days, fol­low­ing that dis­ tress, “ ‘the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; 25 the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.’  d 26 “At that time peo­ple will see the Son of Man com­ing in c ­ louds with g ­ reat ­pow­er a  36 Psalm 110:1    b  14 Daniel 9:27; 11:31; 12:11    13:10; 34:4    c  14 Or he    d  25 Isaiah