NIV Butterfly Garden Holy Bible Book of Mark, "Prayer Is..., Getting to Know Jesus | Page 13

Mark 9:38  l  868 Whoever Is Not Against Us Is for Us 38 “Teach­er,” said John, “we saw some­one driv­ing out de­mons in your name and we told him to stop, be­cause he was not one of us.” 39 “Do not stop him,” ­Jesus said. “For no one who does a mir­a c ­ le in my name can in the next mo­ment say any­thing bad a ­ bout me, 40 for who­ev­er is not a ­ gainst us is for us. 41 Tru­ly I tell you, any­one who ­gives you a cup of wa­ter in my name be­cause you be­ long to the Mes­si­ah will cer­tain­ly not lose their re­ward. Causing to Stumble 42 “If any­one caus­es one of t ­ hese lit­ tle ones — ​­those who be­lieve in me — ​to stum­ble, it ­would be bet­ter for them if a ­large mill­stone were hung ­around ­their neck and they were ­thrown into the sea. 43 If your hand caus­es you to stum­ble, cut it off. It is bet­ter for you to en­ter life m ­ aimed than with two ­hands to go into hell, ­where the fire nev­er goes out. [44] a 45 And if your foot caus­es you to stum­ble, cut it off. It is bet­ter for you to en­ter life crip­pled than to have two feet and be ­thrown into hell. [46] a 47 And if your eye caus­es you to stum­ble, pluck it out. It is bet­ter for you to en­ter the king­dom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be ­thrown into hell, 48 where “ ‘the worms that eat them do not die, and the fire is not quenched.’  b 49 Ev­ery­one will be salt­ed with fire. 50 “Salt is good, but if it los­es its salt­i­ness, how can you make it s ­ alty a ­ gain? Have salt among your­selves, and be at p ­ eace with each oth­er.” Divorce 10 ­ esus then left that p J ­ lace and went into the re­gion of Ju­dea and ­across the Jor­dan. ­Again ­crowds of peo­ple came to him, and as was his cus­tom, he ­taught them. 2 Some Phar­i­sees came and test­ed him by ask­ing, “Is it law­ful for a man to di­vorce his wife?” 3 “What did Mo­ses com­mand you?” he re­plied. 4 They said, “Mo­ses per­mit­ted a man to write a cer­tif­i­cate of di­vorce and send her away.” 5 “It was be­cause your ­hearts were hard that Mo­ses ­wrote you this law,” ­Jesus re­ plied. 6 “But at the be­gin­ning of cre­a­tion God ‘made them male and fe­male.’  c 7 ‘For this rea­son a man will l ­ eave his fa­ther and moth­er and be unit­ed to his wife,  d 8 and the two will be­come one ­flesh.’  e So they are no lon­ger two, but one f ­ lesh. 9 There­fore what God has ­joined to­geth­er, let no one sep­a­ rate.” 10 When they were in the ­house ­again, the dis­ci­ples ­asked ­Jesus ­about this. 11 He an­swered, “Any­one who di­vorc­es his wife and mar­ries an­oth­er wom­an com­mits adul­tery ­against her. 12 And if she di­vorc­es her hus­band and mar­ries an­oth­er man, she com­mits adul­tery.” The Little Children and ­Jesus 13  Peo­ple were bring­ing lit­tle chil­dren to ­ esus for him to ­place his ­hands on them, J but the dis­ci­ples re­buked them. 14 When Jesus saw this, he was in­dig­nant. He said to them, “Let the lit­tle chil­dren come to me, and do not hin­der them, for the king­dom of God be­longs to such as ­these. 15 Tru­ly I tell you, any­one who will not re­ceive the king­dom of God like a lit­tle ­child will nev­ er en­ter it.” 16 And he took the chil­dren in his arms, p ­ laced his h ­ ands on them and blessed them. The Rich and the Kingdom of God 17 As ­Jesus start­ed on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his ­knees be­fore him. “Good teach­er,” he ­asked, “what must I do to in­her­it eter­nal life?” 18 “Why do you call me good?” ­Jesus an­swered. “No one is good — ​ex­cept God ­alone. 19 You know the com­mand­ments: ‘You s ­ hall not mur­der, you s ­ hall not com­ mit adul­tery, you s ­ hall not ­steal, you s ­ hall not give ­false tes­ti­mo­ny, you ­shall not de­ fraud, hon­or your fa­ther and moth­er.’  f  ” 20 “Teach­er,” he de­clared, “all ­these I have kept ­since I was a boy.” 21 ­Jesus l ­ ooked at him and l ­ oved him. “One t ­ hing you lack,” he said. “Go, sell ev­ ery­thing you have and give to the poor, and you will have trea­sure in heav­en. Then come, fol­low me.” 22 At this the ­man’s face fell. He went away sad, be­cause he had ­great wealth. 23 ­Jesus l ­ ooked a ­ round and said to his dis­ci­ples, “How hard it is for the rich to en­ ter the king­dom of God!” 24 T he dis­ c i­ p les were ­ a mazed at his words. But ­Jesus said ­again, “Chil­dren, how a  44,46  Some manuscripts include here the words of verse 48.    b  48 Isaiah 66:24    c  6  Gen. 1:27    d  7  Some early manuscripts do not have and be united to his wife.    e  8 Gen. 2:24    f  19 Exodus 20:12-16; Deut. 5:16-20