NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible | Page 94

98  |  Genesis 48:1 Manasseh and Ephraim 48 Some time later Jo­seph was told, “Your fa­ther is ill.” So he took his two sons Ma­ nas­seh and Ephraim  r ­along with him. 2 When Ja­cob was told, “Your son Jo­seph has come to you,” Is­rael ral­lied his s ­ trength and sat up on the ­bed. 3  Ja­cob said to Jo­seph, “God Al­mighty  a ap­peared to me at Luz  s in the land of Ca­naan, and ­there he ­blessed me  t 4 and said to me, ‘I am go­ing to make you fruit­ful and in­crease your num­bers.  u I will make you a com­mu­nity of peo­ples, and I will give this land as an ever­last­ing pos­ses­sion to your de­scen­dants af­ter ­you.’ 5 “Now then, your two sons born to you in ­Egypt  v be­fore I came to you here will be reck­oned as mine; Ephraim and Ma­nas­seh will be mine,  w just as Reu­ben and Sim­eon are mine. 6 Any chil­dren born to you af­ter them will be ­yours; in the ter­ri­tory they in­ herit they will be reck­oned un­der the ­names of ­their broth­ers. 7 As I was re­turn­ing from Pad­dan,  b to my sor­row Ra­chel died in the land of Ca­naan ­while we were s ­ till on the way, a lit­tle dis­tance from Eph­rath. So I bur­ied her ­there be­side the road to Eph­rath” (that is, ­Beth­le­hem).  x 8 When Is­rael saw the sons of Jo­seph, he ­asked, “Who are ­these?” 9 “They are the sons God has given me here,”  y Jo­seph said to his ­fa­ther. Then Is­rael said, “Bring them to me so I may ­bless  z ­them.” 10 Now Is­ra­el’s eyes were fail­ing be­cause of old age, and he ­could hardly see.  a So Jo­seph brought his sons ­close to him, and his fa­ther ­kissed them  b and em­braced ­them. 11 Is­rael said to Jo­seph, “I never ex­pected to see your face ­again, and now God has al­ lowed me to see your chil­dren ­too.”  c 12 Then Jo­seph re­moved them from Is­ra­el’s k ­ nees and ­bowed down with his face to the ­ground. 13 And Jo­seph took both of them, Ephraim on his ­right to­ward Is­ra­el’s left hand and Ma­nas­seh on his left to­ward Is­ra­el’s r ­ ight hand,  d and ­brought them c ­ lose to him. 14 But Is­rael ­reached out his ­right hand and put it on Ephra­im’s head, ­though he was the youn­ger, and cross­ing his arms, he put his left hand on Ma­nas­seh’s head, even ­though Ma­nas­seh was the ­first­born.  e 15 Then he ­blessed  f Jo­seph and ­said, 48:1 r  Ge  41:52 48:3 s  Ge  28:19 t  Ge 28:13; 35:9‑12 48:4 u  Ge  17:6 48:5 v  Ge  41:50-52; 46:20 w  1Ch  5:1; Jos 14:4 48:7 x  Ge  35:19 48:9 y  Ge  33:5 z  Ge  27:4 48:10 a  Ge  27:1 b  Ge  27:27 48:11 c  Ge  50:23; Ps 128:6 48:13 d  Ps  110:1 48:14 e  Ge  41:51 48:15 f  Ge  17:1 g  Ge  49:24 48:16 h  Heb  11:21 i  Ge  28:13 “May the God before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked faithfully, the God who has been my shepherd  g all my life to this day, 16 the Angel who has delivered me from all harm  — ​may he bless these boys.  h May they be called by my name and the names of my fathers Abraham and Isaac,  i and may they increase greatly on the earth.” a  3 Hebrew El-Shaddai    b  7  That is, Northwest Mesopotamia    48:1 – 22  Manasseh and Ephraim. Near- ing death, Jacob blesses all of his sons. He begins with Joseph’s two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, before proceeding to bless his own children (49:1 – 28). Although these deathbed blessings all occur at the same time, Joseph’s sons are distinguished from everyone else. They are the only grandchil- dren Jacob blesses, and Jacob bestows on Ephraim, not Manasseh, the blessing of the firstborn. The unique lineage that runs throughout Genesis continues through Ephraim and his descendants. This line later includes Joshua (1 Chr 7:20,27), who leads the Israelites into the promised land. Only in the time of David does God reject the Ephraimite line due to its sinfulness and re- place it with one linked to the tribe o