NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible | Page 40

44  |  Genesis 12:3 3 I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse;  u and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.  v ”  a 12:3 u  Ge  27:29; Ex 23:22; Nu 24:9 v  Ge 18:18; 22:18; 26:4; Ac 3:25; Gal 3:8* 12:4 w  Ge  11:31 12:5 x  Ge 14:14; 17:23 4 So ­Abram went, as the Lord had told him; and Lot went with him. ­Abram was sev­enty- five ­years old when he set out from Har­ran.  w 5 He took his wife Sa­rai, his nephew Lot, all the pos­ses­sions they had ac­cu­mu­lated and the peo­ple  x they had ac­quired in Har­ran, and they set out for the land of Ca­naan, and they ar­rived ­there. a  3 Or earth / will use your name in blessings (see 48:20)    (2 Sam 7:9). While God’s promises have an ex- plicit national dimension, this is subservient to the international aspect that marks the climax of the speech. 12:3  bless those who bless you. The theme of God’s blessing others through Abram later links to the line of descendants traced initially through Isaac and Jacob (22:18; 26:4; 27:29; 28:14). In the NT Paul sees in this prom- ise of blessing an advance announcement of the gospel (Gal 3:8), the blessing coming ultimately through ­Jesus Christ, the “seed” of Abraham (Gal 3:16; see Gen 22:18 and NIV text note). The apostle Peter likewise associ- ates ­Jesus Christ with the fulfillment of God’s promise to bless the families of the earth (Acts 3:25 – 26). Although the initial promises of nationhood and international blessing are conditional upon Abram’s obedience, God later guarantees these by making two covenants with Abram (chs. 15; 17). See “Cov- enant,” p. 2334. 12:4 Abram went. In faith Abram obeys God’s call (Heb 11:8). Lot. Although he is sufficiently wealthy to have remained in Harran (13:5 – 6), since his father is dead (11:28), Lot decides that his future will be served best by accom- panying Abram, his uncle. This too is an act of faith on the part of Lot. 12:5  people they had acquired. Abram ap- pears to have had a substantial number of men attached to his household; some were bought from foreigners (17:12) and some were born in his household. Gen 14:14 refers to 318 trained men. Lot also had a separate retinue of men (13:7). INTEGRATED CHRONOLOGY OF THE PATRIARCHS Abraham AGE 75 To Canaan* Birth of 100 Isaac* 140 AGE 40 Isaac’s marriage* Births of Esau and 160 60 175  Abraham’s death* 75 AGE 15 100 40 Esau’s marriage* 137 77 Jacob to 151 157 Jacob* Birth of Joseph AGE 6 to Canaan 108 120 121 168 180 Isaac’s death* Note: The ages marked with (*) are expressly given. Paddan Aram 91 97 Jacob’s return 17 Joseph to Egypt* 29 30 Joseph enters Pharaoh’s service* 130 Jacob to Egypt* 39 147 Jacob’s death* 56 110 Joseph’s death*