NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible | Page 34

38  |  Genesis 9:3 the fish in the sea; they are given into your ­hands. 3 Ev­ery­thing that ­lives and ­moves about will be food for you.  b Just as I gave you the ­green ­plants, I now give you ­ev­ery­thing. 4 “But you must not eat meat that has its life­blood ­still in it.  c 5 And for your life­blood I will surely de­mand an ac­count­ing. I will de­mand an ac­count­ing from ev­ery an­i­mal.  d And from each hu­man be­ing, too, I will de­mand an ac­count­ing for the life of an­other hu­man be­ing.  e 6 “Whoever sheds human blood, by humans shall their blood be shed;  f for in the image of God  g has God made mankind. 7 As for you, be fruit­ful and in­crease in num­ber; mul­ti­ply on the ­earth and in­crease upon it.”  h 8 Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him: 9 “I now es­tab­lish my cov­enant with you  i and with your de­scen­dants af­ter you 10 and with ev­ery liv­ing crea­ture that was with you — ​the ­birds, the live­stock and all the wild an­i m ­ als, all ­those that came out of the ark with you  — ​ev­ery liv­ing crea­ture on ­earth. 11  I es­tab­lish my cov­enant  j with you: Never ­again will all life be de­stroyed by the wa­ters of a ­flood; never ­again will ­there be a ­flood to de­ stroy the e ­ arth.  k ” 12 And God said, “This is the sign of the cov­enant  l I am mak­ing be­tween me and you and ev­ery liv­ing crea­ture with you, a cov­enant for all gen­er­a­tions to come: 13 I have set my rain­bow in the ­clouds, and it will be the sign of the cov­enant be­tween me and the ­earth. 14 When­ever I ­bring ­clouds over the ­earth and the rain­bow ap­pears in the ­clouds, 15 I will re­mem­ber my cov­enant  m be­tween me and you and all liv­ing crea­tures of ev­ery kind. Never again will the wa­ters be­come a ­flood to de­stroy all life. 16  When­ever the rain­bow ap­pears in the ­clouds, I will see it and re­mem­ber the ever­last­ing cov­enant  n be­tween God and all liv­ing crea­tures of ev­ery kind on the ­earth.” 17 So God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the cov­enant  o I have es­tab­lished be­tween me and all life on the ­earth.” 9:3 b  Ge  1:29 9:4 c  Lev  3:17; 17:10-14; Dt 12:16, ​ 23-25; 1Sa 14:33 9:5 d  Ex  21:28-32 e  Ge  4:10 9:6 f  Ge 4:14; Ex 21:12, ​ 14; Lev 24:17; Mt 26:52 g  Ge  1:26 9:7 h  Ge  1:22 9:9 i  Ge  6:18 9:11 j  ver 16; Isa 24:5 k  Ge 8:21; Isa 54:9 9:12 l  ver 17; Ge 17:11 9:15 m  Ex  2:24; Lev 26:42, ​45; Dt 7:9; Eze 16:60 9:16 n  ver 11; Ge 17:7, ​ 13, ​19; 2Sa 7:13; 23:5 9:17 o  ver 12; Ge 17:11 9:18 p  ver  25-27; Ge  10:6, ​15 9:19 q  Ge  10:32 The Sons of Noah 18 The sons of Noah who came out of the ark were Shem, Ham and Ja­pheth. (Ham was the fa­ther of Ca­naan.)  p 19 These were the ­three sons of Noah, and from them came the peo­ ple who were scat­tered over the ­whole ­earth.  q 20 Noah, a man of the soil, pro­ceeded  a to ­plant a vine­yard. 21 When he ­drank some of its wine, he be­came d ­ runk and lay un­cov­ered in­side his tent. 22 Ham, the fa­ther of Ca­naan, saw his fa­ther na­ked and told his two broth­ers out­side. 23 But Shem and Ja­pheth took a gar­ment and laid it a ­ cross t ­ heir shoul­ders; then they ­walked in back­ward and cov­ered their fa­ther’s na­ked body. ­Their faces were ­turned the other way so that they ­would not see ­their fa­ther ­na­ked. a  20 Or soil, was the first    9:3  food. The first explicit statement of a carnivorous diet. Although the olive leaf (8:11) signifies the return of agricultural life, it can- not provide Noah’s children with sufficient food, especially in the first months after de- parting from the ark, when the harvest sea- son has not yet begun (8:22). 9:4,5 lifeblood. Blood is the God-given sign of life (Lev 17:11). God forbids his people to eat blood as a way of recognizing that life belongs to him (Lev 17:10 – 14). This remains a regulation through the OT and into the NT (Acts 15:20). 9:5  I will demand an accounting. God will hold responsible “each human being” who takes the life of another. 9:6 by humans shall their blood be shed. In the context of the law, God bans the ven- detta and commands death for shedding innocent blood (Exod 21:12 – 13; Deut 21:1 – 9) while recognizing different levels of inten- tion in planning a murder and adjusting the punishment accordingly. in the image of God. See note on 1:26. Because human beings are formed in God’s image, human life is so valu- able that taking innocent life can only be paid for by the life of the one who took it in the first place. 9:9,11 my covenant. The new world after the flood is characterized by covenants (6:18; see “Covenant,” p. 2334). This covenant is for all of Noah’s family, that is, for all the world (9:19; 10:1 – 32). 9:10  and with every living creature. This is God’s only OT covenant with the animal kingdom. 9:11 Never again. This repeats the promise of 8:21 – 22 in the context of a covenant. 9:12 – 13  sign . . . rainbow. Every major cov- enant that God makes in the Pentateuch has a sign: Abraham’s covenant has circumcision (ch. 17) and Isr