NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible | Page 29

Genesis 5:22  | 33 4:23 p  Ex  20:13; Lev 19:18 4:24 q  Dt  32:35 r  ver  15 4:25 s  Ge  5:3 t  ver  8 4:26 u  Ge  12:8; 1Ki 18:24; Ps 116:17; Joel 2:32; Zep 3:9; Ac 2:21; 1Co 1:2 5:1 v  Ge  1:27; Eph 4:24; Col 3:10 5:2 w  Ge 1:27; Mt 19:4; Mk 10:6; Gal 3:28 5:3 x  Ge  1:26; 1Co 15:49 5:5 y  Ge  3:19 z 5:18  Jude  1:14 5:22 a  ver 24; Ge 6:9; 17:1; 48:15; Mic 6:8; Mal 2:6 23 La­mech said to his ­wives, “Adah and Zillah, listen to me; wives of Lamech, hear my words. I have killed  p a man for wounding me, a young man for injuring me. 24 If Cain is avenged  q seven times,  r then Lamech seventy-seven times.” 25 Adam made love to his wife ­again, and she gave ­birth to a son and ­named him Seth,  a   s say­ing, “God has granted me an­other ­child in ­place of Abel, s ­ ince Cain ­killed him.”  t 26 Seth also had a son, and he ­named him ­Enosh. At that time peo­ple be­gan to call on  b the name of the ­Lord.  u From Adam to Noah 5 This is the writ­ten ac­count of ­Adam’s fam­ily ­line. When God cre­ated man­kind, he made them in the like­ness of God.  v 2 He cre­ated them male and fe­male  w and ­blessed them. And he named them “Man­kind”  c when they were created. 3 When Adam had ­lived 130 ­years, he had a son in his own like­ness, in his own im­age;  x and he n ­ amed him Seth. 4 Af­ter Seth was born, Adam l ­ ived 800 ­years and had other sons and daugh­ters. 5 Al­to­gether, Adam ­lived a to­tal of 930 ­years, and then he ­died.  y 6 When Seth had l ­ ived 105 ­years, he be­came the fa­ther  d of E ­ nosh. 7 Af­ter he be­came the fa­ther of ­Enosh, Seth ­lived 807 ­years and had other sons and daugh­ters. 8  Al­to­gether, Seth lived a to­tal of 912 ­years, and then he ­died. 9 When ­Enosh had l ­ ived 90 ­years, he be­came the fa­ther of Ke­nan. 10  Af­ter he be­came the fa­ther of Ke­nan, ­Enosh ­lived 815 ­years and had other sons and daugh­ters. 11  Al­to­gether, Enosh ­lived a to­tal of 905 ­years, and then he ­died. 12 When Ke­nan had ­lived 70 ­years, he be­came the fa­ther of Ma­ha­la­lel. 13  Af­ter he be­came the fa­ther of Ma­ha­la­lel, Ke­nan ­lived 840 ­years and had other sons and daugh­ters. 14  Al­to­ gether, Ke­nan ­lived a to­tal of 910 ­years, and then he ­died. 15 When Ma­ha­la­lel had l ­ ived 65 ­years, he be­came the fa­ther of Ja­red. 16  Af­ter he be­came the fa­ther of Ja­red, Ma­ha­la­lel ­lived 830 ­years and had other sons and daugh­ters. 17  Al­to­ gether, Ma­ha­la­lel ­lived a to­tal of 895 ­years, and then he ­died. 18 When Ja­red had ­lived 162 ­years, he be­came the fa­ther of ­Enoch.  z 19  Af­ter he be­came the fa­ther of E ­ noch, Ja­red l ­ ived 800 ­years and had other sons and daugh­ters. 20  Al­to­gether, Ja­red ­lived a to­tal of 962 ­years, and then he ­died. 21 When E ­ noch had l ­ ived 65 ­years, he be­came the fa­ther of Me­thu­se­lah. 22 Af­ter he be­ came the fa­ther of Me­thu­se­lah, ­Enoch ­walked faith­fully with God  a 300 ­years and had other a  25  Seth probably means granted.    b  26 Or to proclaim    c  2 Hebrew  adam    d  6  Father may mean ancestor; also in verses 7-26.    4:23  killed a man for wounding me. This is not the later “eye for eye” of the law (Exod 21:23 – 25; Lev 24:20; Deut 19:21 – 22) but is in- citing violence. 4:24  seventy-seven times. The anger is spelled out. As God promised sevenfold ven- geance for any who tried to kill Cain (v. 15), Lamech’s arrogance increases the vengeance another ten times in addition to the first seven. Cf. Matt 18:22, where ­Jesus transforms vengeance into forgiveness and uses the same number for how many times one must forgive. 4:25 Seth. The word sounds like the Hebrew of “granted” in the phrase “granted me an- other child in place of Abel.” In chs. 4 – 5, two lines of descendants are contrasted — ​one negative, the other positive. One is associ- ated with violence, which links with the rea- son for the flood. The other leads to Noah. The positive comments associated with the birth of Seth — ​another seed in place of Abel — ​suggest some connection with the seed of the woman (see 3:15 and note). 4:26  Enosh. Hebrew for “man,” similar to a meaning of Adam. God provides a new line of hope. call on the name of the Lord. An expression used elsewhere for prayer (12:8; 26:25; 1 Kgs 18:24; 2 Kgs 5:11; Joel 2:32). 5:1 – 32  From Adam to Noah. In contrast with the line of Cain (4:17 – 24), the regular- ity of Seth’s line, its positive notes of God’s blessing — ​Enoch (vv.  21 – 24) and Lamech (vv. 28 – 31) — ​and its extension beyond the seventh generation to Noah identify this as the line of hope. 5:1 account. See note on 2:4. These headings structure Genesis (2:4; here; 6:9; 10:1; 11:10,27; 25:12,19; 36:1,9; 37:2). the likeness of God. This reaffirms the presence of God’s image in humanity (see 1:26 – 28 and note on 1:26), despite the sin that has taken place since humanity’s creation. It anticipates 9:6, which expands the sense of the image of God. 5:2 – 3  Mankind . . . Adam. “Mankind” and “Adam” translate the same Hebrew word ( ʾ ādām). See note on 1:26. 5:5  930 years. Adam’s life span and the life spans of others mentioned in this line far exceed today’s human life span. Whether the long life spans are literal or serve a liter- ary purpose, or both, the life spans of Enoch and Lamech may be symbolic (see notes on vv. 23,31). The ten names in this genealogy may suggest a selection of the line as in ch. 11 (cf. Luke 3:36, where the name Cainan is added to the line in Gen 11). Three kings listed in the Sumerian King List as ruling before the flood have reigns that add up to 72,000 years, and thus exaggerate these numbers. The con- nection with the line of hope (and not with Cain’s line) suggests that God’s blessing was on this line. 5:9 Kenan. Means “little Cain.” 5:12 Mahalalel. Means “praising God.” 5:15 Jared. Means “(God) has descended (from heaven).” This name given at birth may con- fess God’s aid in a safe delivery. 5:18 Enoch. Means “dedicate; dedication.” 5:21 Methuselah. Means perhaps “man/devo- tee of the spear/missile.”