NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible | Page 169

1762  |  Matthew 28:13 with the el­ders and de­vised a plan, they gave the sol­diers a l ­ arge sum of money, 13  tell­ing them, “You are to say, ‘His dis­ci­ples came dur­ing the n ­ ight and s ­ tole him away ­while we were ­asleep.’ 14 If this re­port gets to the gov­er­nor,  k we will sat­isfy him and keep you out of trou­ble.” 15 So the sol­diers took the money and did as they were in­structed. And this story has been widely cir­cu­lated a ­ mong the Jews to this very ­day. The Great Commission 16 Then the eleven dis­ci­ples went to Gal­i­lee, to the moun­tain ­where ­Jesus had told them to go.  l 17 When they saw him, they wor­shiped him; but some doubted. 18 Then ­Jesus came to them and said, “All au­thor­ity in heaven and on ­earth has been given to me.  m 19  There­fore go and make dis­ci­ples of all na­tions,  n bap­tiz­ing them in the name of the Fa­ther and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,  o 20  and teach­ing  p them to obey ev­ery­thing I have com­manded you. And surely I am with you  q al­ways, to the very end of the ­age.”  r at the tomb was designed to thwart! Should news of all this reach Pilate, the Jewish au- thorities would satisfy him, no doubt with a very large bribe, in order to keep the soldiers out of trouble. 28:16 – 20  These verses include the Great Commission (vv. 18 – 20). The uniquely Jewish mission of 10:5 – 6 and 15:24 now gives way to the mandate for worldwide, multiethnic min- istry. As many as possible, Jew and Gentile alike, must be given opportunity to become part of the “people who will produce [the] fruit” of God’s kingdom (21:43). 28:16  the eleven disciples. The Twelve mi- nus Judas. mountain. No record is given of Jesus’ previous instruction about a specific mountain in Galilee. Perhaps it is the (also unspecified) location of the Sermon on the Mount (chs.  5 – 7). 28:17  they worshiped him; but some doubted. Could also be translated “they worshiped, but they doubted.” For such an unprecedented event as a resurrection, it is easy to envision any or all of the disciples both acclaiming ­Jesus’ deity and being very perplexed as to what exactly had happened and wondering if all this was real. 28:18 – 20 As a result of his faithfulness to his mission, ­Jesus once again has returned to his exalted position as divine Son of God with “all authority in heaven and on earth” (v. 18). Christ’s program of missions for his followers flowed from this: to “make disciples of all na- tions” (v. 19). It involves