NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible | Page 154

Matthew 23:36  | 1747 23:15 f  Ac 2:11; 6:5; 13:43 g  Mt  5:22 23:16 h  ver  24; Mt 15:14 i  Mt  5:33‑35 23:17 j  Ex  30:29 23:19 k  Ex  29:37 23:21 l  1Ki  8:13; Ps 26:8 23:22 m  Ps  11:4; Mt 5:34 23:23 n  Lev  27:30 o  Mic 6:8; Lk 11:42 23:24 p  ver  16 23:25 q  Mk  7:4 r  Lk  11:39 23:27 s  Lk  11:44; Ac 23:3 23:29 t  Lk  11:47, ​48 23:31 u  Ac  7:51‑52 23:32 v  1Th  2:16 23:33 w  Mt 3:7; 12:34 x  Mt  5:22 23:34 y  2Ch  36:15, ​16; z Lk 11:49  Mt  10:17 a  Mt  10:23 23:35 b  Ge  4:8; Heb 11:4 c  Zec  1:1 d  2Ch  24:21 23:36 e  Mt  10:23; 24:34 15 “Woe to you, teach­ers of the law and Phar­i­sees, you hyp­o­crites! You travel over land and sea to win a sin­gle con­vert,  f and when you have suc­ceeded, you make them t ­ wice as much a ­child of hell  g as you ­are. 16 “Woe to you, ­blind g ­ uides!  h You say, ‘If any­one s ­ wears by the tem­ple, it ­means noth­ ing; but any­one who ­swears by the gold of the tem­ple is ­bound by that oath.’  i 17  You ­blind fools! ­Which is greater: the gold, or the tem­ple that ­makes the gold sa­cred?  j 18 You also say, ‘If any­one ­swears by the al­tar, it ­means noth­ing; but any­one who s ­ wears by the gift on the al­tar is ­bound by that oath.’ 19 You ­blind men! ­Which is greater: the gift, or the al­tar that makes the gift sa­cred?  k 20 There­fore, any­one who ­swears by the al­tar ­swears by it and by ev­ery­thing on it. 21 And any­one who ­swears by the tem­ple ­swears by it and by the one who dwells  l in it. 22 And any­one who s ­ wears by heaven s ­ wears by G ­ od’s ­throne and by the one who sits on it.  m 23 “Woe to you, teach­ers of the law and Phar­i­sees, you hyp­o­crites! You give a t ­ enth  n of your spices — ​mint, dill and cumin. But you have ne­glected the more im­por­tant mat­ters of the law — ​jus­tice, mercy and faith­ful­ness.  o You s ­ hould have prac­ticed the lat­ter, with­out ne­glect­ing the for­mer. 24  You ­blind ­guides!  p You ­strain out a gnat but swal­low a ­camel. 25 “Woe to you, teach­ers of the law and Phar­i­sees, you hyp­o­crites! You c ­ lean the out­side of the cup and dish,  q but in­side they are full of ­greed and self-in­dul­gence.  r 26 Blind Phar­ i­see! F ­ irst ­clean the in­side of the cup and dish, and then the out­side also will be ­clean. 27 “Woe to you, teach­ers of the law and Phar­i­sees, you hyp­o­crites! You are like white­ washed ­tombs,  s ­which look beau­ti­ful on the out­side but on the in­side are full of the ­bones of the dead and ev­ery­thing un­clean. 28 In the same way, on the out­side you ap­pear to peo­ ple as righ­teous but on the in­side you are full of hy­poc­risy and ­wick­ed­ness. 29 “Woe to you, teach­ers of the law and Phar­i­sees, you hyp­o­crites! You b ­ uild ­tombs for the proph­ets  t and dec­o­rate the g ­ raves of the righ­teous. 30 And you say, ‘If we had l ­ ived in the days of our an­ces­tors, we ­would not have taken part with them in shed­ding the blood of the proph­ets.’ 31 So you tes­tify ­against your­selves that you are the de­scen­dants of those who mur­dered the proph­ets.  u 32 Go ahead, then, and com­plete  v what your ­an­ces­tors started! 33  “You ­snakes! You ­brood of vi­pers!  w How will you es­cape be­ing con­demned to hell?  x 34 There­fore I am send­ing you proph­ets and ­sages and teach­ers. Some of them you will kill and cru­cify;  y oth­ers you will flog in your syn­a­gogues  z and pur­sue from town to town.  a 35 And so upon you will come all the righ­teous b ­ lood that has been shed on e ­ ar