NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible | Page 134

Matthew 13:58 | 1727
13:38 m Jn 8:44 , ​45 ; 1Jn 3:10
13:39 n Joel 3:13 o Mt 24:3 ; 28:20
p Rev 14:15
13:41 q Mt 8:20 r Mt 24:31
13:42 s ver 50 ; Mt 8:12
13:43 t Da 12:3 u Mt 11:15
13:44 v ver 24 w Isa 55:1 ; Php 3:7 , ​8
13:45 x ver 24
13:47 y ver 24 z Mt 22:10
13:49 a Mt 25:32 13:50 b Mt 8:12 13:53 c Mt 7:28
13:54 d Mt 4:23 e Mt 7:28
13:55 f Lk 3:23 ; Jn 6:42 g Mt 12:46
13:57 h Jn 6:61 i Lk 4:24 ; Jn 4:44 of the evil one , m 39 and the en emy who sows them is the devil . The har vest n is the end of the age , o and the har vest ers are an gels . p
40 “ As the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire , so it will be at the end of the age . 41 The Son of Man q will send out his an gels , r and they will weed out of his king dom ev erything that causes sin and all who do evil . 42 They will throw them into the blaz ing fur nace , where there will be weep ing and gnash ing of teeth . s 43 Then the righ teous will shine like the sun t in the king dom of their Fa ther . Who ever has ears , let them hear . u
The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl
44 “ The king dom of heaven is like v trea sure hid den in a field . When a man found it , he hid it again , and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field . w
45 “ Again , the king dom of heaven is like x a mer chant look ing for fine pearls . 46 When he found one of great value , he went away and sold ev ery thing he had and bought it .
The Parable of the Net
47 “ Once again , the king dom of heaven is like y a net that was let down into the lake and caught all kinds z of fish . 48 When it was full , the fish er men pulled it up on the shore . Then they sat down and col lected the good fish in bas kets , but threw the bad away . 49 This is how it will be at the end of the age . The an gels will come and sep a rate the wicked from the righ teous a
50 and throw them into the blaz ing fur nace , where there will be weep ing and gnash ing of teeth . b 51 “ Have you understood all these things ?” Jesus asked . “ Yes ,” they replied . 52 He said to them , “ There fore ev ery teacher of the law who has be come a dis ci ple in the king dom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his store room new trea sures as well as old .”
A Prophet Without Honor
13:54-58pp — ​ Mk 6:1-6
of his kingdom everything that causes sin ” ( v . 41 ), he is not referring to a mixed church of believers and unbelievers but to the entire human community , which combines good and evil people . Jesus will be their final judge ; for now , the kingdom does not come with irresistible power but leaves room for those who want to reject it to do so . 13:41 angels . . . will weed out . See note on v . 38 . 13:42 See notes on 5:22 ; 8:12 . 13:43 the righteous will shine like the sun . Probably alludes to Dan 12:3 and the splendor of eternal life . 13:44 – 46 The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Valuable Pearl . The kingdom is worth sacrificing whatever is necessary in order to be a part of it . This does not mean one literally purchases eternal life or exercises duplicity in coming to Christ . The parable of the pearl “ of great value ” ( vv . 45 – 46 ) is a twin with the previous parable ( v . 44 ). The only difference is that the pearl merchant was clearly looking for his treasure , whereas the man in v . 44 may have discovered it by surprise . 13:47 – 50 The Parable of the Net . Like the parable of the wheat and weeds , but without the period of growth , this little narrative
53 When Jesus had fin ished these par a bles , c he moved on from there . 54 Com ing to his home town , he be gan teach ing the peo ple in their syn a gogue , d and they were amazed . e “ Where did this man get this wis dom and these mi rac u lous pow ers ?” they asked . 55 “ Isn ’ t this the car pen ter ’ s son ? f Isn ’ t his moth er ’ s g name Mary , and aren ’ t his broth ers James , Joseph , Simon and Judas ? 56 Aren ’ t all his sis ters with us ? Where then did this man get all these things ?” 57 And they took of fense h at him .
But Jesus said to them , “ A proph et is not with out honor except in his own town and in his own home .” i
58 And he did not do many mir a cles there be cause of their lack of faith .
envisions a large seine net being dragged across portions of a lake , scooping up whatever comes into its path . Fish that were too small or inedible would be cast aside ; those that could be sold or eaten would be collected . So too all people will be judged “ at the end of the age ” ( v . 49 ), divided into “ wicked ” and “ righteous ” ( v . 49 ), and assigned to their eternal destinies . See also notes on 5:22 ; 8:12 . 13:52 The Parable of the Owner of a House . The disciples claim to have understood all these things ( v . 51 ) despite their initial questions . There is still continuity between the “ old ” and “ new ” eras , even as there are fresh items that require explanation , just like the “ owner of a house ” who “ brings out ” valuable items of both ancient and recent vintage from “ his storeroom .” 13:53 — 16:20 Progressive Polarization . Reactions to the parables in ch . 13 highlight the growing polarization of responses to Jesus ’ ministry . The next narrative segment of Matthew ’ s Gospel does so as well . Jesus and John are rejected ( 13:53 — 14:12 ); Jesus reveals himself to Israel — the crowds and his disciples ( 14:13 – 36 ) — and to the Gentiles ( 15:1 — 16:12 ); and the disciples recognize Jesus ’ identity in Gentile territory ( 16:13 – 20 ).
13:53 — 14:12 Both Jesus and John are rejected . Jesus ’ hometown acquaintances find it hard to believe he is so special ( 13:53 – 58 ), while Herod Antipas imprisons and executes John ( 14:1 – 12 ). 13:53 – 58 This appears to be a briefer version of the episode that Luke frontloads in his Gospel ( Luke 4:16 – 30 ) as a headline over Jesus ’ Galilean ministry . 13:54 his hometown . Nazareth . See 2:23 and note on 2:19 – 23 ; see also 4:13 and note on 4:13 . 13:55 – 56 his brothers . . . his sisters . See note on 12:46 . 13:55 carpenter ’ s son . Greek tektōn ( here translated “ carpenter ”) could be a stonemason besides just a woodworker . 13:57 A prophet . . . without honor . Family members , childhood friends , and others who have known a person for a long time are often the last to acknowledge special powers or abilities that suddenly emerge to make a person appear like a prophet to others . 13:58 because of their lack of faith . But see note on 9:29 . There is no consistent relationship between faith and miracles throughout the Gospels more generally . God is sovereign and works miracles whenever he chooses .