NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible | Page 126

Matthew 10:20 | 1719
10:9 m Lk 22:35 10:10 n 1Ti 5:18 10:12 o 1Sa 25:6
10:14 p Ne 5:13 ; Lk 10:11 ; Ac 13:51
10:15 q 2Pe 2:6 r Mt 12:36 ; 2Pe 2:9 ;
1Jn 4:17 s Mt 11:22 , ​24
10:16 t Lk 10:3 u Ro 16:19
10:17 v Mt 5:22 w Mt 23:34 ; Mk 13:9 ;
Ac 5:40 ; 26:11
10:18 x Ac 25:24‐26 10:19 y Ex 4:12 10:20 z Ac 4:8
9 “ Do not get any gold or sil ver or cop per to take with you in your belts m — ​ 10 no bag for the jour ney or ex tra shirt or san dals or a staff , for the work er is worth his keep . n 11 Whatever town or vil lage you en ter , search there for some wor thy per son and stay at their house until you leave . 12 As you en ter the home , give it your greet ing . o 13 If the home is de serving , let your peace rest on it ; if it is not , let your peace re turn to you . 14 If any one will not wel come you or lis ten to your words , leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet . p 15 Truly I tell you , it will be more bear able for Sodom and Go mor rah q on the day of judgment r than for that town . s
16 “ I am send ing you out like sheep among wolves . t There fore be as shrewd as snakes and as in no cent as doves . u 17 Be on your guard ; you will be handed over to the lo cal councils v and be flogged in the syn a gogues . w 18 On my ac count you will be brought be fore gov er nors and kings x as wit nesses to them and to the Gen tiles . 19 But when they ar rest you , do not worry about what to say or how to say it . y At that time you will be given what to say , 20 for it will not be you speak ing , but the Spirit of your Fa ther z speak ing through you .
10:9 – 10 Mark 6:8 – 9 gives slightly different instructions , which some harmonize by taking “ Do not get ” as meaning not to acquire extra provisions . Alternately , because Luke includes accounts of the sending of both the Twelve ( Luke 9:1 – 6 ) and the Seventy-two ( which may have included the Twelve ; Luke 10:1 – 24 ) with similar but not identical regulations , Matthew may have included some of the information from the latter occasion in this sermon . 10:10 the worker is worth his keep . Jesus reverses the typical rabbinic practice of not receiving material possessions for ministry . But precisely because he expects others to provide for the disciples as they journey , he can command them to travel light . 10:13 let your peace rest on it . Give the household a blessing . let your peace return to you . Retract ( or do not give ) the blessing . 10:14 shake the dust off your feet . A ceremonial gesture that means one has no further responsibility or relationship with the places or people involved . 10:15 more bearable . Implies degrees of judgment , based on degrees of wickedness , in eternal punishment ( cf . Luke 12:47 – 48 ). Sodom and Gomorrah . The extremely wicked towns that God destroyed in the time of Abraham and Lot ( Gen 19:1 – 29 ). 10:16 This verse serves as a transition . Both in the short and long terms , the disciples must recognize the danger from those who will reject them and even prove hostile to them like “ wolves .” like sheep . Suggests that the disciples do not fight back .
10:17 – 42 The disciples did not experience before Jesus ’ death and resurrection most of what Jesus predicts in this section , so he is looking to a time further in the future that reveals long-term reactions to the Christian mission . 10:17 councils . The disciples are arraigned before councils in Acts 4:1 – 22 ; 5:17 – 41 . flogged in the synagogues . Paul is flogged with 39 lashes on five different occasions ( 2 Cor 11:24 ). 10:18 governors and kings . Paul appears before various Roman “ governors ” ( regional rulers , e . g ., Acts 18:12 – 17 ) and “ kings ” ( including the emperor , Acts 25:10 – 12 ). 10:19 – 20 These verses promise the empowerment of the Spirit in situations such as sudden arrest when one cannot prepare ahead of time what to say .
MATTHEW 10:2 – 4 MARK 3:16 – 19 LUKE 6:14 – 16 ACTS 1:13
Simon Peter Simon Peter Simon Peter ( Simon ) Peter
Andrew James Andrew John
James John James James
John Andrew John Andrew
Philip Philip Philip Philip
Bartholomew Bartholomew ( Nathanael ) Bartholomew Thomas
Thomas Matthew ( Levi ) Matthew Bartholomew
Matthew Thomas Thomas Matthew
James ( of Alphaeus ) James ( of Alphaeus ) James ( of Alphaeus ) James ( of Alphaeus )
Thaddaeus 1 Thaddaeus Simon ( the Zealot ) Simon ( the Zealot )
Simon ( the Zealot ) Simon ( the Zealot ) Judas ( of James ) Judas ( of James )
Judas Iscariot Judas Iscariot Judas Iscariot ………………
1 Matthew and Mark have the name Thaddaeus while Luke , in his two lists ( Luke 6 and Acts 1 ), has Judas ( of James ). Some think Judas may
have been his original name and that it was changed later to Thaddaeus ( meaning perhaps “ warmhearted ”) in order to avoid the stigma attached to the name Judas Iscariot .
It is interesting that all four lists begin with Simon Peter and end with Judas Iscariot ( except the Acts 1 list , for Judas had already killed himself ). Also , the names would appear to be in groups of four . Peter , Andrew , James , and John are always in the first group — though not always in that order — and Philip , Bartholomew , Thomas , and Matthew are in the second group in all four lists .
In all four lists , Peter ’ s name heads the first group , Philip heads the second , and James ( of Alphaeus ) heads the third . John ’ s Gospel does not contain a listing of the apostles .
© 1997 by Thomas Nelson , Inc . Used by permission .