NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible | Page 109

1702  |  Matthew 2:6 6 “ ‘But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.’  a  ”  z 7 Then Herod c ­ alled the Magi se­cretly and f ­ ound out from them the ex­act time the star had ap­peared. 8 He sent them to Beth­le­hem and said, “Go and s ­ earch care­fully for the c ­ hild. As soon as you find him, re­port to me, so that I too may go and wor­ship ­him.” 9 Af­ter they had ­heard the king, they went on ­their way, and the star they had seen when it rose went ­ahead of them un­til it ­stopped over the ­place ­where the c ­ hild was. 10 When they saw the star, they were over­joyed. 11 On com­ing to the h ­ ouse, they saw the c ­ hild with his mother Mary, and they ­bowed down and wor­shiped him.  a Then they ­opened ­their trea­sures and pre­sented him with ­gifts  b of gold, frank­in­cense and ­myrrh. 12 And hav­ing been ­warned  c in a ­dream  d not to go back to Herod, they re­turned to t ­ heir coun­try by an­other r ­ oute. 2:6 z  2Sa 5:2; Mic 5:2 2:11 a  Isa  60:3 b  Ps  72:10 2:12 c  Heb  11:7 d   ver  13, ​19, ​22; Mt 27:19 2:13 e  Ac  5:19 f   ver  12, ​19, ​22 2:15 g  Ex  4:22, ​23; Hos 11:1 2:18 h  Jer  31:15 2:19 i   ver  12, ​13, ​22 The Escape to Egypt 13 When they had gone, an an­gel  e of the Lord ap­peared to Jo­seph in a ­dream.  f “Get up,” he said, “take the ­child and his mother and es­cape to ­Egypt. Stay ­there un­til I tell you, for Herod is go­ing to s ­ earch for the ­child to kill ­him.” 14 So he got up, took the c ­ hild and his mother dur­ing the n ­ ight and left for E ­ gypt, 15 where he ­stayed un­til the ­death of Herod. And so was ful­filled what the Lord had said through the prophet: “Out of ­Egypt I ­called my s ­ on.”  b   g 16 When Herod re­al­ized that he had been out­wit­ted by the Magi, he was fu­ri­ous, and he gave or­ders to kill all the boys in Beth­le­hem and its vi­cin­ity who were two ­years old and un­der, in ac­cor­dance with the time he had ­learned from the Magi. 17 Then what was said through the prophet Jer­e­miah was ­ful­filled: 18 “A voice is heard in Ramah, we