Newsletter MHS | Page 10

PAGE 10 English riddles 1. Take off my skin and I won‘t cry, but you will. What am I? 2. If you have it, you want to share it, but if you share it, you don‘t have it. What is it? 3. If two is company and three is crowd. What are 4 and 5? 4. What has a bark, but no bite? 5. Who can shave five times a day and still have a beard? WHY CHOOSE CAT AS A SUBJECT? A BIT OF: Computer Applications & You Mobile Computing Problem Solving Society & Technology Operational Knowledge Database, Spreadsheets, Presentations, Word Processing, and IS LIKE WI-FI, Web Design The Present & the Future IT’S INVINSIBLE BUT IT HAS THE POWER TO CONNECT YOU TO WHAT YOU NEED MYTH: CAT IS NOT ON THE ―DESIGNATED SUBJECTS‖, SO IT DOESN‘T COUNT TOWARDS YOUR APS SCORE FOR GETTING INTO UNIVERSITY. >>> not true IN MANY UNIVERSITIES,‖DESIGNATED SUBJECTS‖ ARE NOT GIVEN PROIRITY IN SCORING OR POINTS ALLOCATION. That means: CAT COUNTS THE SAME AS MATHS, SCIENCE, HISTORY, BUSINESS ETC.. AND IS ACCEPTED IN THE APS CALCULATION REGARDLESS OF ANY ―DESIGNATED SUBJECTS‖ LIST. MAFFIE LAND