Newsletter 1st issue 2015 | Page 3

Team’s News Team Building Event Following a long tradition UoP racing team members joined together in order to cut the new year's pie. It's been a fun and joyful event where a few alumni members and the rest of team discussed about the team’s future and competitions, and committed to continue more effective to achieve our goals! A design review followed the event, so that the team can start manufacturing UoP5e right after the exam period! New Team Logo! It's been a secret project so far but after a long period of designing and debating we voted and we are happy to announce thaτ the new UoP Racing Team logo is chosen! It was designed to give a more modern look while respecting the previous logo concept and emphasizing on the use of electric energy for propulsion. We hope you like it as much as we do. More coming up soon! Greece || [email protected]