News From Native California - Summer 2016 Volume 29, Issue 4 | Page 2

editor ’ s notes news from native california

editor ’ s notes news from native california

PUBLISHER : Steve Wasserman
FOUNDERS : Malcolm Margolin , David W . Peri , Vera Mae Fredrickson
EDITOR : Terria Smith
CONTRIBUTING EDITORS : Tiffany Adams , Dugan Aguilar , Lindsie Bear , Brian Bibby , Marina Drummer , L . Frank , Jeannine Gendar , Leanne Hinton , Julian Lang , Frank LaPena , Vincent Medina , Beverly R . Ortiz , Sage Romero , Terria Smith , Paula Tripp-Allen , Linda Yamane
INTERN : River Garza
PRINTING : Allen Press , Inc ., Lawrence , KS
Volume 29 , Issue 4 , Summer 2016 ( ISSN 10405437 ) is published quarterly for $ 21.00 per year by Heyday , a 501 ( c )( 3 ) nonprofit educational corporation , located at 1633 University Avenue , Berkeley , CA 94703 . Phone : ( 510 ) 549-2802 , Fax : ( 510 ) 549-1889
Mail Address : P . O . Box 92707 , Long Beach , CA 90809 . Periodical postage paid at Berkeley , CA and additional mailing offices .
Internet address : www . newsfromnativecalifornia . com nnc @ heydaybooks . com
Subscription rates $ 21.00 per year . Single copies $ 5.95 . International rates $ 41 per year .
Copyright © 2016 by News from Native California except where otherwise noted . All rights reserved . Reproduction or use , without written permission , of editorial or pictorial content in any manner is prohibited .
Opinions expressed in articles and columns are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the editors or publisher .
Printed on 10 % post consumer waste recycled paper .
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Questions ? Email nnc @ heydaybooks . com or call 888-881-5861 . someone who has been my friend for more than two decades just came home to our reservation at Torres Martinez after being incarcerated for almost ten years . In my opinion his punishment far exceeded his crime .
When I saw him all he talked about was culture , how he couldn ’ t wait to bird sing again , and how he read lots of our Heyday books — namely First Families . He even became very skillful at beadwork . Culture has kept him strong .
My friend ’ s story is not unique . Tribal men in many of our communities regularly face and defy all types of challenges — mass incarceration , drug and alcohol abuse , violence , racial profiling . Nevertheless , Native men stand dignified in our communities as fathers , leaders , activists , providers , and culture bearers .
Two years ago , I was fortunate enough to have a story in a special edition of News , the “ Women and Land Issue .” Since then , there have been requests for us to publish an issue focusing on men .
Thus , our focus this time around is “ Men in Culture and Community .” This edition includes amazing features about California Native men from across the state who are educators , leaders , paddlers , artists , singers , and performers . Among them is our new writing intern , River Garza , a student at Cal Poly Pomona . River is Tongva and grew up in Los Angeles County . In my past workings with him , I know him as a great writer as well as an exemplary young man .
For our cover story we are featuring the talented Kenneth Ramos . He is Iipay , was raised on the Barona Band of Mission Indian Reservation , and lives in Los Angeles . Kenny is a UCLA graduate and an actor who played a principal role in Larissa FastHorse ’ s recent theater production Urban Rez . Lindsie Bear wrote about the debut of Something Inside is Broken , a Native American hip-hop rock opera about the Gold Rush by Alan Wallace ( Nisenan / Washoe ) and Jack Kohler ( Hupa / Yuork / Karuk / Irish / German ). Calvin Hedrick ( Mountain Maidu ) shares a poignant feature about men embracing healing and wellness . For “ In Our Languages ,” we partnered up with elder Ernest Siva ( Serrano / Cahuilla ) and the Dorothy Ramon Learning Center to share a powerful story in Serrano . Finally , with heavy hearts we remember very important and beloved community members Rick Bartow ( Wiyot ) and Margaret Carlson ( Yurok ).
I trust that in reading this issue you will be humbled , inspired , and made appreciative by all that has been shared . I know I am .
Miyaxwe eh ’ ivax ’ a — Terria Smith , Editor
ON THE COVER : Kenny Ramos ( Iipay , Barona Band of Mission Indians ) photographed by Pamela J . Peters for the Legacy of Exiled NDNZ documentary project ; ( c ) 2014 documentary project . This past spring Kenny was a cast member in the theater production of Urban Rez .
BACK COVER : Josh and Coty with Uncle Dave and Coty ’ s son , Kenai . Carved trunks , both completed and in-progress , will transport regalia to dance in coming years . Photo courtesy of H . Jackson .
CORRECTIONS : In the Spring 2016 issue of News , we published an incorrect version of the story “ Omesia Said .” The accurate version is available to read online at newsfromnativecalifornia . com / blog / omesiasaid .
Also in the Spring 2016 issue , Lindsie Bear was credited with writing the article , “ How I Met My Sweetheart , Lyn Risling .” While Lindsie recorded the story for StoryCorp , Julian Lang should get all of the credit for telling it beautifully and completely .