New Wave Group AB Hållbarhetsredovisning_2017_SV_HQ[1] | Page 37

SOCIAL DISCLOSURE GRI 403: Occupational Health 103-1/2 and Safety 2016 GRI 404: Training and Education 2016 103-1/2 404-1 GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity 2016 103-1/2 405-1 GRI 407: Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining 2016 103-1/2 407-1 GRI 408: Child Labor 2016 408-1 GRI 409: Forced or Compulsory Labor 2016 409-1 DISCLOSURE TITLE Management Approach, 403 COMMENT PAGE New Wave Group AB and all subsidiaries have a legal respon- sibility and direct impact on the employees working environment. Depending on the activity (office, warehouse, production etc.), specific risk assessments and action plans are made. (For the work with health and safety at suppliers, see GRI 414.) Management Approach, 404 The responsibility for regular evaluation, career development and education lies on the respective company within the Group. Average hours of training per year Based on the estimations from the per employee companies, the average number of training hours (internally and externally) per year and employee is 19 hours. Management Approach, 405 Diversity, gender equality and anti-discrimination are a fundamental principles of the Code of Conduct. Diversity of governance bodies Currently, only by gender. SR p.13, and employees AR p.71 Management Approach, 407, Freedom of association and SR p.21-25 408, 409 collective bargaining, no child labor and no forced labor are fundamental principles in the Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct is followed up through third-party audits, internal audits and factory visits. Operations and suppliers in which An increased risk of limited associa- the right to freedom of association tion freedom of association and and collective bargaining may be collective bargaining lays in the at risk product supply chain, in particular factories and subcontractors in risk countries. Operations and suppliers at An increased risk for incidents of significant risk for incidents of child labour lays further down in the child labor supply chain, where the control is limited. In order to gain more know- ledge, education and advice on how children and young people are affected in the global supply chain, New Wave Group is a part of CCR CSR’s (Save Children’s Sustainabi- lity Center in China) Virtual Youth Development Working Group. Operations and suppliers at An increased risk of forced or significant risk for incidents of compulsory labor lays in the forced or compulsory labor product supply chain, in particular factories and subcontractors in risk countries. 37