New Wave Group AB Hållbarhetsredovisning_2017_SV_HQ[1] | Page 36

ENVIRONMENT GRI 301: Materials 2016 DISCLOSURE 103-1/2 DISCLOSURE TITLE Management Approach, 301 GRI 302: Energy 2016 Own indicator 103-1/2 Products with sustainable attribute Management Approach, 302 The direct energy consumption occurs mainly in own production, where we have direct influence, and real estate energy. Other significant parts of energy consumption are upstream in our suppliers' factories and also downstream, for example, by washing garments. Therefore, we work to reduce our own consump- tion, focus on manufacturers' environmental work through audits, and advise customers on care instructions for garments. Energy consumption within the Limitation to Sweden, as energy organization audit has only been carried out for the Swedish companies within the Group. Management Approach, 305 Significant climate impact comes from freight transportation between Asia and Europe. Therefore, we are actively working to create effective routines and to influence the transportation providers we cooperate with. Direct (Scope 1) GHG emission Company Cars Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG Transport providers emissions Reduction of GHG emissions Management Approach, 308 New Wave Group works with other actors in the industry to gain an understanding of the environmental impact in the supplier chain, and how we through requirements and development projects can contribu- te to improvements. Negative environmental impacts An assessment of new suppliers, as in the supply chain and actions well as ongoing assessments of taken. existing ones, are conducted. To some extent, environmental requi- rements are included in the amfori BSCI audits, but are also included in our internal audits. 302-1 GRI 305: Emissions 2016 103-1/2 305-1 305-3 305-5 GRI 308: Supplier 103-1/2 Environmental Assessment 2016 308-2 36 COMMENT Decisions regarding materials are decentralized to the subsidiaries. New Wave Group aim to introduce more sustainable and eco-friendly materials in our range of products. PAGE SR p.17 SR p.29 SR p.27-28 SR p.28 SR p.27-28 SR p.27-28