New Wave Group AB Annual report 2017 EN | Page 39

The composition of the nomination committee, before the election of Board members at the 2018 AGM, is as follows: Arne Lööw, representative of Fjärde AP-fonden and the committee’s chairman Torsten Jansson, CEO and representative of Torsten Jansson Förvaltnings AB Johan Ståhl, representative of Lannebo fonder As per the Code, the CEO or other company executive cannot be a member of the nomination committee. Torsten Jansson is a member as principal owner and a deviation from the Code has thus been made, and explained by the high ownership. The nomination committee represents around 84% of the votes in New Wave Group as at 31 December 2017. All shareholders are able to contact the nomination committee to propose candi- dates to the Board. The nomination committee has held a number of meetings and in between these meetings maintained contact by phone and e-mail. Among its many tasks, the nomination committee has evaluated the Board of Directors on the basis of the company’s future development and challenges in order to achieve a good combination of expertise and experience. INDEPENDENCE OF THE BOARD The New Wave Group Board is subject to the requirements for independence described in the Code. The requirements mainly involve that only one person from the company’s management may be a member of the board, that a majority of the elected members of the board shall be independent of the company and its management, and that at least two of the elected members who are independent of the company and its management should also be independent of the company’s major shareholders. As CEO and major shareholder of New Wave Group, Torsten Jansson is considered to be dependent on the company and the company management. Olof Persson, Christina Bellander, Elisabeth Dahlin, Mats Årjes and M.Johan Widerberg are consi- dered to be independent in relation to both the company and the company’s major shareholder. It is thus the opinion of the nomi- nation committee that the current composition of the New Wave Board satisfies the requirements for independence laid down in both the Code and in the rules and regulations of NASDAQ OMX Stockholm for issuers. For a detailed presentation of the Board, Board Members assignments and securities holding in New Wave Group, please refer to page 46. THE BOARD AND ITS WORK The Board of New Wave Group consists of six members elected by the AGM. The Board’s working procedures are defined in the rules of procedure, which regulate the delegation of responsi- bility between the Board and the CEO, the CEO ’s authority, the meeting schedule and reporting routine. The Board meetings deal with budgets, interim reports, year-end accounts, state of business, investments and new launches. They also deal with general issues relating to the long-term business strategy as well as structural and organisational issues. The working language of the Board’s meetings and documentation is Swedish. As a rule, between seven and twelve Board meetings are held each year. During 2017, the Board met on ten occasions. Göran Härstedt is the Board’s secretary. The Chairman organises and leads the Board’s work so that this is carried out in accordance with the Swedish Companies Act, other legislation and regulations, applicable rules for listed companies, Including the Code, and the Board’s other internal control instru- ments. The Chairman follows operations in dialogue with the CEO and is responsible for other Board members receiving the information required to complete the Board’s tasks. AUDIT COMMITTEE The Group has an Audit Committee (AC) since February 2017. AC is a Committee to the Board of Directors and members are appointed by the Board of Directors. The Committee shall consist of at least two members of the Board. The majority of the ACs members shall be independent of the company and its management. Members of the Board who are part of company management cannot be a member of the AC. M Johan Widerberg is President and Christina Bellander is a member of the Committee. Both are independent of the company and its management. CFO, is adjunct to AC, as well as takes minutes. The Board assigns to the AC to prepare and decide on audit issues and report discrepancies to the Board. The Board decides however on the appointment of an internal auditor and the external auditor reports directly to the Board. AC shall on the board’s instructions be responsible for the work to ensure the quality of the company’s internal management and control in regards to; financial reporting risk management and risk control compliance other internal management and control matters which the Board refers to AC The Board Olof Persson, chairman Christina Bellander Elisabeth Dahlin Mats Årjes M. Johan Widerberg Torsten Jansson Total Presence 10/10 10/10 9/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 Independent Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Remuneration 323 333 186 664 153 336 153 336 186 664 0 1 003 333 NWG 2017 | 39