New Water Policy and Practice Issue 4, Number 1, Fall 2017 | Page 70

New Water Policy & Practice Journal Perry, C. 2001a, ‘Water at any price? Issues and options in charging for irri- gation water’, Irrigation and Drainage, vol. 50, pp. 1–7. Perry, C. 2001b, ‘World commission on dams: implications for food and irri- gation’, Irrigation and Drainage, vol. 50, pp. 101–107. Portaria 50/2015 2015, ‘Uso eficiente da água’, Diário da República, I série. N.º 39 (25-2-2015), 1168-1195. Available from: Speelman, S., Buysse, J., Farolfi, S., Frija, A., D’haese, M. & D’haese, L. 2009, ‘Estimating the impacts of water pricing on smallholder irrigators in North West Province, South Africa’, Agricultural Water Management, vol. 96, pp. 1560–1566. Watto, M.A. 2013, Measuring groundwater irrigation efficiency in Pakistan: a DEA approach using the sub-vector and slack-based models. AgEcon Search. Minnesota. USA. Ziolkowska, J.R. 2015, ‘Shadow price of water for irrigation—a case of the High Plains’, Agricultural Water Management, vol. 153, pp. 20–31. 68