New Water Policy and Practice Issue 4, Number 1, Fall 2017 | Page 39

Sustainable Drainage in Challenging Environments Figure 5 Favela in NE Brazil. A.) Standing pools of waste water contain- ing mosquito larvae. B.) Wastewater flows between dwellings. Figure 6 SuDS and greywater management installed in an informal settlement, Franschhoek, South Africa. 3.3 Refugee camps There are many refugee camps in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI). These are initially set up by the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) who have responsibility for infrastructure planning and implementing the major- ity of refugee camps in KRI. However, once established, the camps are then man- aged by the local government or agencies such as Board of Relief for Humanitarian Affairs (BRHA) who are located in Dohuk Governate and who oversee the future development of the camps, managing new arrivals and new infrastructure as nec- essary. In Erbil Governate, the Erbil Joint Crisis Co-ordination is responsible for managing camps located there, although the management culture and priorities 37