New Jersey Stage - July/August 2014 | Page 24

crew moving from plant to plant in a convoy of trailers, we’re reminded of the great “carny” dramas of the past; movies like Freaks and Nightmare Alley, with their bands of outsiders struggling to eke out an existence. It’s the film noir genre, however, that provides the inspiration for the main plot strand of Gary and Karole’s affair, though all is not quite what it seems at first, and the cliche of such a dynamic is ultimately turned on its head in a third act twist. Three of French cinema’s finest contemporary stars, Rahim, Ménochet and Seydoux are quietly on fire here, and the New Jersey Stage latter’s introduction, surprising a nervous Rahim with a passionate kiss that serves as a metaphor for his impending contamination (both literal and emotional), is one of the year’s great movie moments. Ending on an ambiguous note that suggests a sequel might resemble a 70s Larry Cohen horror, Grand Central might initially leave you cold, but as your mind returns to it in the following days you’ll find yourself as contaminated as its hapless protagonist. 8 out of 10 July 2014 pg 24