New Jersey Stage 2017: Issue 8 | Page 132

out this album. Windmills In The Sky is insightful, intelligent music that may not have pop potential but is geared towards a more serious listener. From the somewhere out of left field category comes Indubious who return with their much an- ticipated From Zero album. Drop the figurative needle on the grooves and what emerges is a form of traditional island reggae – but surprise – the duo are Cau- casians from Ashland, Oregon. Even more surprising is the pair of brothers Evton and Skip Bur- ton were both born with Cystic Fibrosis and presented with a grim diagnoses of a life expec- tancy that wouldn’t exceed 18 years. However, they have per- severed – and, now 30 and 32 respectively – when they sing about mercy and spiritual mat- ters you know it’s coming from an authentic place. In thes