New Jersey Stage 2017: Issue 5 | Page 122

manner that resembles Palmer’s audition tape for her bit-part in Terrence Malick’s Knight of Cups. As generic a thriller as Berlin Syndrome is, it can’t even get the basics of the genre right, with a lack of suspenseful sequences and some very awkward plot- ting - the climax relies on a plot beat that involves a supporting character making a decision that defies credibility. Shortland is but the latest director who having proven themselves in dramatic territory, fails at a first attempt to transfer their talents to genre fare. w As generic a thriller as Berlin Syndrome is, it can’t even get the basics of the genre right... Berlin Syndrome 2 ½ stars out of 5 Directed by: Cate Shortland Starring: Teresa Palmer, Max Riemelt, Matthias Habich, Lucie Aron, Emma Bading NJ STAGE 2017 - Vol. 4 No. 5 INDEX NEXT ARTICLE 122