New Jersey Stage 2017: Issue 40 | Page 106

of clues as to who said killer is. Characters are introduced, like JK Simmons’ sleazy politician and Val Kilmer’s alcoholic ex-de- tective, only to simply disappear from the narrative, their seem- ingly important sub-plots left unresolved. Kilmer, it has to be said, is a far more convincing drunk than Fassbender, but I suspect he may have plunged a little too deep into his role. His performance is truly bizarre, and I have no idea what we’re supposed to make of his character’s inclusion. Similarly, I’m still wondering why the film made such a big deal over a pre- scription of sleeping pills without ever resolving that element. Perhaps such lack of resolution can be put down to this being an adaptation of the seventh in- stalment in a literary series that currently totals 11 books. Watch- ing The Snowman often feels like jumping into the fourth sea- son of a TV show without hav- ing seen the previous three, and the relationship between Harry Watch an episode of The Scary Snowman NJ STAGE 2017 - Issue 40 INDEX NEXT ARTICLE 106