New Horizons August 2018 | Page 13


The Modest Parents, accounting for 24% of the society and mostly middle-to-upper age, cut their coats according to their cloth (or in Turkish expression: stretch their feet according to their blankets). They endeavour to make long-term plans for family future and retirement. The prefer not to borrow, never delay payments. The Thrifty Conservatives tend to use their money in a thriftier way. Constituting 20% of the society, they try to think for the long-term and save for the children but their financial circumstances may be challenging. They can only spend for the basic needs, do not have the flexibility to spend unnecessarily.

The Unplanning Dreamers and Unconcerned Youth appear as the segments mostly comprising the youth. Not yet married and not with children, and with limited income, the Unplanning Dreamers make up 19% of the society. They dream of a wealthy future and are ready to take on risks for that end. But they fail to act in discipline and plan on money matters. Constituting 15% of the society, the Unconcerned Youth have the lowest level of financial knowledge. Without a job and regular income, this group lives for today. They do not make budgets, or save money.