New Consciousness Review Spring 2015 | Page 37

MEDITATION CUPS OF CONSCIOUSNESS By Aleya Dao An energetic meditation to help you find stillness and clarity. Listen to this gentle yet powerful 8 minute meditation Raise your vibration simply by listening. When you quiet the mind and find your inner stillness clarity blooms. Use the energetic aspects of you to quiet your mind and find clarity in all areas of your life. • Hold your awareness in your divine line that flows on the front of your spine using your breath and intent. • Activate the vibration of clarity at the level of your Higher Self and in your divine line. • Invite your Higher Self to lift all of your energy and awareness off of the outer world and into your divine line. • Bring in your own unique shapes that help you find clarity and discernment in every area of your life. • As you hold your awareness in your divine line activate appropriate sacred shapes and mandalas that have the capacity to move you into stillness and quiet the mind. • In a higher realm sit in stillness and see clearly as you move in the day, sleep, dream, and play. • Light lan