New Consciousness Review Fall 2016 | Page 14

AWAKENING HEALTH The encounters with the divinity described in the book came from a wide variety of people, including physicians, scientists and people from all walks of life. They were so profound and life-changing that even though people struggled to put them into words, a mosaic of concepts emerges from the reports of the experiencers that begin to build a composite picture of the qualities of God – peace, light, happiness, joy and love. Love seems to be the key – total, all-encompassing, absolute and unconditional love. All the reports agree that God loves us all regardless of religious belief or disbelief, gender or sexual preference, social status or nationality. This love of God accommodates mistakes so that we can learn and grow. While there is no judgment, we do seem to experience every bit of pain and torment we have inflicted upon others throughout our lives through their eyes – a painful learning experience offered by a loving God. Just think of the implications if people were to truly take on board that: A) we are an eternal, inseparable part of God; B) we are loved unconditionally; C) we get to learn from our mistakes and do better next time. Jeffrey Long offered the analogy of the tall mountain with different streams of people wending their way to the top from every side. The mountain may be covered in fog so we may not see each other along the journey, but we’re all heading towards the same destination. When we do get there we’ll discover that we’re all family after all, so rather than fighting about our differences, maybe we should all relax and celebrate them as part of a most colorful journey.  Reviewed by Miriam Knight ABOUT THE AUTHOR Jeffrey Long, M.D. is a  Radiation oncologist and a leading near-death experience (NDE) researcher. Dr. Long founded the Near Death Experience Research Foundation (www. Over 15 years of research went into Dr. Long’s books, Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death Experiences, and God and the Afterlife: The Groundbreaking New Evidence for God and Near-Death Experience. Portions of the web site have been posted in 30 different languages, leading to increasing awareness worldwide and across cultural boundaries that we all share these types of experiences, and that they are similar to a degree that is medically inexplicable. The potential to heighten world understanding is obvious, and very important. Over 4000 NDEs are currently posted on, making it by far the largest number of NDEs ever studied, and by far the largest number of NDEs publicly accessible in the world. If you’ve had an experience, by all means share it there. 14 | NEW CONSCIOUSNESS REVIEW LISTEN TO THE INTERVIEW