New Consciousness Review Fall 2015 | Page 42

METAREALITY What’s Going on Here? By Richard House, MD Most of us are so distracted by the worries of daily life that larger issues are easily shunted aside. Unless, that is, some troubling event intrudes – like the death of someone close to us, or a beloved dog needs to be put down. Do dogs go to heaven? P ope Francis reports that they do – all creatures large and small, he says. One supposes that humans who live well get their shot at heaven too, but is hell then a possibility for those who fall short? Let’s hope not, for no one toes the mark all the time. Besides the pressing question of what occurs when we die, there are others: • Why do we die at all? • Is there really a loving God, and, if so, why all the suffering? • Are we really the same soul viewing life differently, as some spiritual traditions declare? • Do we only live once, or is reincarnation the deal? These questions dangle before us just beyond reach. That is unless one adopts the answers given by various religions and spiritual traditions. The Buddhists say that we come back to Earth time and time again until, until, we get it right. Christians are here only once, which adds incentive to live life well, judgment day ever looming. And then there are the atheists who declare that what you see is what you get – no God, no heaven, no hell, just a void, a cold, silent nothing after death. 42 | NEW CONSCIOUSNESS REVIEW With such panoply of thought, some of us are prompted to seek out answers for ourselves. We are the seekers of Truth, pilgrims that want to know more than what Wikipedia has to offer. God, heaven, angels. Are there really angels? Well, Hollywood and the supermarket tabloids suggest that there are. Moreover, some very thoughtful people have collected quite a body of evidence that there are indeed angelic spirits that want to help us poor humans struggling on Earth. Into the Light, by John Lerma, MD, is a fascinating account of angels that frequently appear to hospice patients just before death. Not only do these spirits lend a helping hand, as Joe Black patiently waits his turn, they also straighten out earthly affairs beforehand.