New Consciousness Review December, 2014 | Page 41

T FEATURES If you had absolute certainty that there is life beyond this life - would that change your life? If you understood that you manifest your reality through your choices and intention, and that there are no preset limits - would that inspire you to heights you were afraid to imagine? Would you stop choosing to be a victim? Would you be prepared to accept all the goodness of the universe and act as if it is already yours? As individual expressions of the creator, our essence is love and our purpose is to create and experience. As such, the field of infinite potential is our playground, and our only limits are those that we impose on ourselves through fear and lack of imagination. 41 | NEW CONSCIOUSNESS REVIEW he universe speaks to us every day in a myriad of ways. It can come as a whisper in your ear or in your dreams; it can reveal itself through the synchronicities you pass off as coincidences. It may take a cosmic 2x4 hitting you on the head to get your attention, like a life-threatening disease or accident, or a dark night of the soul. Often times we reject these experiences, and ignore the messages the universe may be trying to communicate because we don’t want to be thought of as crazy or ridiculed. But sometimes these experiences are so amazing and so real that they can no longer be denied. That was the case with the people interviewed for What Wags the World, and we know without a shadow of doubt that they are the very small tip of a very large iceberg. The consensus of these tales is that we are always supported by the universe, even if our creations cause pain, because we have free will and eventually we will learn from our experiences. As individual expressions of the creator, our essence is love and our purpose is to create and experience. As such, the field of infinite potential is our playground, and our only limits are those that we impose on ourselves through fear and lack of imagination. How exciting is that? If you have had your own awakening experience, we invite you to share them with us and the W3 community on our website, Miriam Knight is the founder of New Consciousness Review and the New Consciousness Media Network, and co-founder of Luminary Voices Speakers and Performers Bure