New Consciousness Review December, 2014 | Page 23

METAREALITY REVIEW Supernormal: Science, Yoga, and the Evidence for Extraordinary Psychic Abilities by Dr. Dean RADIN DEAN RADIN PRESENTS A SCIENTIFIC REVIEW OF NUMEROUS SPECIAL ABILITIES HUMANS CAN POTENTIALLY DEVELOP, WORKING FROM THE FRAMEWORK OF THE SIDDHIS FROM PATANJALI’S YOGA SUTRAS. S upernormal begins by discussing the mystical abilities yogis from India have been experiencing and writing about for thousands of years. While mystical abilities have been long associated with extensive meditation, the Yoga Sutras warn of the stumbling blocks of greed, ego and ignorance that can distract and interfere with people’s focus on inner transformation, which should be the desired goal of meditation.  Discussion of yoga and yogic powers may seem irrelevant to most people living in the western world, yet the truth is that yoga has been making slow, steady inroads through western culture for some time. Most people now know, for example, that meditation can reduce stress and aid in healing. Westerners tend to practice yoga mostly as a physical activity, yet yoga is but part of a much greater spiritual and metaphysical mind-body-spirit practice.  23 | NEW CONSCIOUSNESS REVIEW