New Church Life September/October 2017 | Page 94

new church life: september/october 2017 retreat preview Here is a summary of the three speakers’ presentations for the Boynton Beach Retreat, January 29 - February 2, 2018. The Rt. Rev. Tom Kline will give four lectures: 1. The Nature of Spiritual Substance (with real applications to life) 2. Being a Bishop (his travels throughout the world) 3. Church Leadership (all he learned about being a leader in a congregational setting) 4. Surprise! Chara Daum’s work has involved the very beginnings of the church embodied in the Writings, and the very latest efforts to disseminate those works to the world. She will talk about her work on The New Century Edition of the Works of Emanuel Swedenborg, her involvement with the Spirit and Life Bible Study, and being part of the offTheLeftEye team on the “Swedenborg and Life” show. The Rev. Barry Halterman’s presentation – One God, Many Religions. Why? – will examine the core teachings of the major world religions, seeing how the Lord adapts His teachings to meet the unique needs of people from various cultures. The series will look for the universal truths the Lord has spread across all major religions and how they fit with New Church teachings. For the third year in a row the rate for the Retreat is the same: $235 per person if you pay by October 15.  Contact: bbretreat@newchurchboyntonbeach. org. vineyard update The New Church Vineyard website – – has changed. General Church Education has redesigned the site, with many additional resources and a new user interface to help find what you want. The new version was scheduled to be launched in September. correction In article in the July/August issue, The Divine Inspiration of Emanuel Swedenborg, reprinted from the January 1973 New Church Life by the late Rev. Geoffrey S. Childs, there was a small but significant error. After a quote from Divine Providence 96:6, “Sometimes the Lord so fills an angel with His Divine that the angel does not know that he is not the Lord,” are these sentences: “When so infilled, the ‘angel speaks not from himself but from the Lord.’ His words are not the Lord’s.” That “not” does not belong. It should say: “His words are the Lord’s.” Our thanks to sharp-eyed reader Joseph David for catching this error. 448