New Church Life September/October 2017 | Page 69

Three times the Lord chose to present this teaching ! There must be something of real importance here if the Lord chose to use so much of his aging servant ’ s time to three times write out and then twice publish the results .

Earths In The Universe : Teachings , Reflections and Speculations

The Rev . Willard L . D . Heinrichs

Permit me make a few general observations first . I think it is very significant that the teachings of this work appear three times in the Theological

Writings given by the Lord through Emanuel Swedenborg . First , they are presented in a scattered form , beginning early in the originally unpublished Spiritual Diary / Experiences .
Second , they were drawn out of that work and presented in in-betweenchapter sections in the first published work of the Theological Writings , the Arcana Coelestia . ( As such they are like those teachings about life after death , appearing between the chapters in Arcana Coelestia . Of these it is reported : “ But as these matters would be scattered and disconnected if inserted among those contained in the text of the Word , it is permitted , of the Lord ’ s Divine mercy , to append them in some order , at the beginning and end of each chapter ; besides those which are introduced incidentally .” ( No . 71 )
Finally , after the completion of the Last Judgment in the spiritual world in 1756-57 , these teachings were drawn out of the
Three times the Lord chose to present this teaching ! There must be something of real importance here if the Lord chose to use so much of his aging servant ’ s time to three times write out and then twice publish the results .