New Church Life September/October 2017 | Page 26

new church life: september/october 2017 have been created they can then take on a life of their own, or can be used in a variety of ways. So with human life the Lord creates the material “stuff ” out of which our bodies and brains can be built, and He provides the genetic code to bring it all together into the human form. But once all that is done He then gives us the faculties of will and understanding so that we can act as if of ourselves, making decisions that determine what kind of person we will be, and specifically how we will respond to Him. But here’s the thing: just as our bodies are made of material stuff, so our minds require a material environment within which to operate. Without confronting the hard, fixed, limited physical world outside of ourselves we would never have to make any choices or face any consequences and we would never grow or change. In fact we would never develop the unique personality that sets us apart from other people; in a way we would all just be extensions of the Lord’s own love and wisdom. But when we do confront the hard, fixed, limited physical world outside of ourselves, each one of us from a different perspective, the organic substances of our minds are affected in such a way that unique memories are formed. These memories, like habits, become a permanent part of us, defining us, differentiating us from others, and establishing a plane of consciousness that will serve us forever in the life after death. Of course, those memories, that foundation, once laid can never be changed, so the life after death simply continues based on the decisions we make here. For example, in our own lives we face daily choices, every one of which has visible and invisible consequences that can play out to all eternity. What books we read, what films we watch, what music or conversations we listen to: all these impressions (and that’s exactly what they are, impressions) are stored away in our memory banks, whether we realize it or not, and they all enter with some affection, either good or bad, so that they contribute to our Just as our bodies are made of material stuff, so our minds require a material environment within which to operate. Without confronting the hard, fixed, limited physical world outside of ourselves we would never have to make any choices or face any consequences and we would never grow or change. 380