New Church Life September/October 2016 | Page 67

     ⁄     So many, many times I have been led to the conclusion that what is advanced in The Spiritual Diary/Spiritual Experiences is always in essential agreement with what is taught elsewhere in the Heavenly Doctrine. I think that I hear the same underlying Divine and heavenly melody. valid or true in its own right. As with representations in the Sacred Scriptures (i.e. the statue that appeared in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream) so with some of the representations seen by Swedenborg in the spiritual world, one representation may be used to represent internal realities in a variety of ways. In this regard I think of how a certain representation of the Word seen by Swedenborg in the other life is dealt with by the Lord in a whole succession of ways in various works of the Heavenly Doctrine, in Spiritual Diary/Spiritual Experiences 3605 ½; De Verbo 1; Sacred Scripture 26:3,4; Apocalypse Revealed 255; and True Christian Religion 277. Potential Uses Now on to the matter of what sort of special use I would propose for a Divine work such as The Spiritual Diary/ Spiritual Experiences. Of course, as with other works of the Heavenly Doctrine, we might employ its teachings in many different ways depending on the specific teachings involved and the specific matters that we are addressing from them. I would present what follows as just one of the special uses that I have made of the teachings of this work. I may say from the outset that at least some readers may be surprised that I would choose to illustrate this possible use by referring to two subjects that some may well find unpleasant to the point that they wish that I would omit them from the discussion. These subjects are homosexual practices and the sexual abuse of children. However, I think there are at least a couple of good reasons for including them. The first is that these subjects are very much before the general public at this day and are deeply troubling to many, many people. For those who long for the Lord’s guidance in all matters of life – spiritual, moral and civil – they call out for, even demand, examination in the light of Divine and heavenly principles. And yet, for reasons I will seek to explain in what follows, the Lord in what are known as the “published” works, has chosen not to speak very openly about them. Does this mean He has left us bereft of any particular teaching concerning them? No, He has not! 473