New Church Life September/October 2016 | Page 20

new church life: september/october 2016 thoughts to heavenly frequencies. We won’t be able to recognize and amplify the messages that are coming from the Lord and instead we are tuned in to messages that have been distorted by selfishness, materialism and literalism. The Lord gave us His commandments to help us tune in to the best frequencies. If we focus on the Golden Rule, doing for others what we want done for us (Matthew 7:12), then that message of love will guide us in understanding the Bible correctly. As Jesus said, all of Scripture is about love for the Lord and love for the neighbor. (Ibid. 22:40) When a scribe recognized this truth Jesus told him, “You are not far from the kingdom of God.” (Mark 12:34) We find the same truth mentioned in the Ten Commandments. One table teaches us to love the Lord and the other teaches us to love (and not harm) our neighbor. These commandments are central becaus e obeying them tunes our minds to the Lord’s “channel” and allows Him to work in us. And the Lord’s teaching and leading involves not just the literal statements of the Bible but all the feelings, thoughts and ideas, all the music, voices and images that flow in through the tuner. This is one reason why it is hard for some people to see how the Lord is working in their world. They aren’t looking for the inflow of love and the light of wisdom but are looking for physical evidence or miraculous interventions. It’s like looking for signs of life in an empty garment, or taking apart a radio tuner to find the messages inside it. Since the commandments are what get us tuned in to the Lord’s leading, they are the first and most central part of the Lord’s Word to the people of Israel. The ultimate goal of the journey from Egypt was to enjoy freedom and prosperity in the Promised Land. The first destination on the journey was to reach Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments. There they would build an ark and tabernacle to house the commandments, and later it would be the Ten Commandments that divided the waters of the Jordan River and brought down the walls of Jericho and the idol Dagon. The commandments were very important, but it would be foolish to think that the tables of stone in the ark of the covenant had some intrinsic magical Jesus fed 5,000 with a few loaves and fishes, and they were satisfied for a day and then became hungry again. The miracle that the Lord asks us to participate in today is to share the Lord’s love for all people. 426