New Church Life September/October 2015 | Page 36

new church life: september/october 2015 who created this relationship, and that it is vitally important – the “precious jewel of human life and the repository of the Christian religion.” (Conjugial Love 457) Many would agree that the Church as a whole has the responsibility to present the vision of marriage that the Lord describes i n His Word – a vision that the world desperately needs. Most would also agree that the Church is to be a beacon of hope and a welcoming place for all seeking the Lord and the life He lays before us. That life includes the relationship with one of the opposite sex that can grow in richness and meaning to eternity. It also includes the loving and wise ways we are called to respond to others, even as we hope for that response to our own states of life, good and bad. The subject of homosexuality and marriage is intricate and sensitive. I hope that you have heard a call by means of the teachings referenced to kindness and love, and have also felt informed about what the Word has to say about same-sex relationships. I welcome dialogue and response to what I have written. I am keenly aware of the limitations of the written word when dealing with sensitive topics. Therefore I would encourage readers to talk to their local pastor, or to others in their lives, and to contact me directly if that would be helpful. I can be reached at 267.502.4918 or at [email protected]. The Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Jr. is Assistant to the Bishop of the General Church, Vice President of General Church International, Incorporated, and Head of General Church Education. Prior to his ordination into the third degree he was pastor of the Glenview (Illinois) New Church. He and his wife, Teresa (Farrington), live in Bryn Athyn with their four children. 468