New Church Life September/October 2015 | Page 18

new church life: september/october 2015 Joseph Feeding the World Another story from the Old Testament in which we can see the Lord is the one about Joseph and his brothers. There are obvious parallels between Joseph and Jesus. They were both beloved sons. They were both sold for 20 or 30 pieces of silver by Judah/Judas.  Both were falsely accused of crime, and both became rulers in their kingdoms.   Joseph was able to save countless people from starvation by providing food for them during the seven years of famine. Jesus miraculously fed thousands of hungry people with just a few loaves and fishes, not only because He had compassion on them but also to show that He is the One who gives us love and life. Though we do not sense it, all our thoughts and feelings flow into us through heaven from the Lord. He is the source of all the mental and emotional energy that drives our actions. When we let His love and compassion come into us so that we begin to love others as He loves us, it actually keeps us alive spiritually, just as food does naturally.   So on a literal level the story of Joseph is about feeding many Egyptians, but on a deeper level it is about our Lord Jesus Christ and the love that He shares with all people. We can look at Joseph, yet see the Lord. Moses Crossing the Sea Another story in which we can see the Lord is Moses crossing the Red Sea. His power over the wind and waves enabled him to bring the people safely through the Red Sea. This may remind us of Jesus’ similar power over the wind and waves, allowing Him to bring His disciples safely across the Sea of Galilee during a storm. Yet on the inside this story is about the Lord’s power against the hells. In the Writings, the teachings for the New Church, we learn that “to those who are above [in the spiritual world], the hells appear like seas, and the people in them seem to be in the depths of the seas.” (Apocalypse Explained 537)  This is the kind of flood that David spoke of in a Psalm: “When the waves of death surrounded me, the floods of ungodliness made me afraid. The sorrows of hell surrounded me.” (2 Samuel 22:5-6) When the hells’ influence on us increases, we may feel overwhelmed – flooded with anger, grief, hurt, lust and despair. If we are struggling against our own hells and demons, we can have a small idea of what the Lord was going through in fighting all the hells. The Lord came into the world to gain power over the hells and to lead us through hell and out of hell into heaven. The hells at the time were increasingly raging out of control and threatening the destruction of the human race. Those who followed Jesus duri ng His life on earth had no idea of the spiritual struggles 450