New Church Life Sep/Oct 2014 | Page 81

  Reprinted from the September Newsletter of the New Church in Great Britain british academy summer school The Rev. Alan M. Cowley, Pastor of Michael Church, London What an honor it is to serve at such a unique camp. Nowhere else in the world does something like the British Academy Summer School exist. This year we had 22 students (10 European, 12 American) and we organized around a theme we called “The Challenge.” The challenge we focused on is a difficult one but I think it really speaks to current issues facing our young people, and perhaps you, too. The challenge is: How to be religious/spiritual in an increasingly secular world. I won’t go into all the details of what went on at BASS; there is just too much to cover. However, I would like to say how impressed I am with the students who came and made it such a fantastic two weeks. There is a hunger and thirst among our young people that bodes extremely well for the future of the Lord’s Church. These students have such a strong desire to make the world a better place, and to love their neighbors, and on top of that they have an affirmative attitude toward the Lord’s guidance that nearly moves me to tears. So among all of the concern for the future of the Church, and the fear that we are losing an entire generation of young people, there is a ray of hope, and I don’t think it is limited to the 22 students at BASS. Behind what seems to be a mass rejection of religion is actually a rejection of abusive and harmful man-made organizations. Behind the lack of church attendance and membership is a loud voice from people crying out for doctrine relevant to their lives and to their world. Does this not bode well for the coming of the New Church!? If young people today are searching for something true, relevant, meaningful and loving, I would suggest that the Lord has things under control. Because what I see, whether they know it yet or not, are young people looking for the truths contained in the Word and the Heavenly Doctrine – truths unobscured by the 467